Research area:
Plant growing,
Personal data:
Abdugani Elmurodov graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1991, studied at the postgraduate
school in 1992-1994. In 1998
Candidate of Agricultural Sciences in the field of 01.06.08 - crop production, in 2017
received the academic degree of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, in 2022
received the academic title of Professor.
On the 20th and 25th anniversary of independence of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, in 2023 was awarded the commemorative badges "Protector of
Agriculture", "Excellent Higher Education" of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
Based on the results of scientific research, he published more than 170
scientific articles, 4 textbooks, 8 teaching aids, author of 4 copyright
certificates, 1 patent, 2 monographs, 8 recommendations.
In organizing the educational process at the
university, made positive steps in providing regulatory documentation,
introducing information and pedagogical technologies into the educational
process, managing the system of credit modules, and digitalizing the
educational process.
Organization of laws of the Republic of
Uzbekistan, Decrees and Orders of the President, Oliy Majlis, Cabinet of
Ministers and the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education in the
field of education and staff training, decisions of the University Council,
implementation of orders and instructions of the rector of the university;
According to the structure of the university,
coordination and management of the activities of departments are subordinate to
the vice-rector for academic affairs;
Organization of educational and methodological work
based on state educational standards and ensuring the training of qualified staff;
Ensuring full awareness by all deans and departments,
heads of departments and teachers of the set of requirements for the content of
knowledge and the level of training in accordance with state educational
Study of development trends of the education system of
advanced countries, tasks defined in the Law "On Education",
"National Program for Staff Training" and other laws concerning
education, decrees and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan
and the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan on the development of the education system,
development of modern methods of implementation and new pedagogical
technologies and ensuring their implementation;
Organization of modern forms of education, including
distance learning, the introduction of new pedagogical and information and
communication technologies and their effective use in the educational process;
Coordination, organization and control of the work of
departments and deans' offices that provide the educational process;
Approval of work plans for departments, faculties and
chairs that provide the educational process, and monitoring their implementation;
Improving the quality of classes, monitoring and
ensuring the implementation of personal plans of professors and teachers;
Provision and control of training based on modern
technical means and in foreign languages;
Implementation and control of the provision of the
information resource center with modern educational literature, collections,
textbooks and electronic textbooks;
Organization of educational and scientific-practical
conferences, management of the university’s methodological council and improvement
of teaching skills, generalization of advanced methodological experience;
Providing and monitoring industrial practice of
students ;
The process of preparing and publishing educational
and scientific materials, including journals and collections of scientific
works of university teachers, and replenishing the library collection with
educational and methodological and scientific periodicals in all areas of
educational and scientific activities of the general management of the
Reporting on the educational and methodological
activities of the university, faculty, departments and chairs at
meetings of the Council in accordance with the plan;
Supervision over the
organization and conduct of the State Certification of undergraduate students
and the defense of final qualifying theses of master's students;
· Control over the employment and orientation activities of
specialists graduating from the university;
Approval and control of the
development of “ Curriculum ”, “Working curriculum” and “Lesson schedule” in educational
· Control over the preparation of annual and quarterly reports
of the student body;
Concluding agreements with
advanced training centers for advanced training of faculty and staff of
universities, forming a contingent of working teachers, developing plans,
monitoring the referral of teachers to advanced training centers based on the
the activities of the Student Scholarship Award Committee and ensuring the
legitimacy and impartiality of the awarding of scholarships;
the transparency of the rating system for assessing students' knowledge;
Guiding and facilitating the processes of searching,
selecting and working with talented youth, managing the training process of the
President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other famous scholarship holders
from among students;
Development of proposals for staffing of faculty and
assistants, organization of provision of departments and chairs with qualified
Preparation of proposals for the rector on recruiting
teaching staff for vacant positions based on a competition and securing
individuals with a master's degree to work at the university, development and
implementation of plans for staffing the teaching staff with young people and
improving their qualifications;
Development of proposals on issues of efficient use of
educational premises, improvement of technical equipment of classrooms and
Submit proposals to the rector on the application of
disciplinary measures and termination of employment contracts with employees
who violate labor and performance discipline;
In order to improve the quality of education, prepare
proposals for establishing cooperation with similar higher education
institutions in foreign countries in order to ensure the training of
specialists based on international requirements;
Analysis of annual reports on the activities of
faculties and departments and presentation of conclusions to the rector,
assessment of the educational and methodological activities of professors and
teachers using modern methods;
Carrying out ongoing cooperation with basic higher
education institutions and research universities in the educational and
methodological direction, ensuring the active participation of the teaching
staff in conferences, seminars, working in cooperation with local government
To determine, analyze and improve the annual ranking
of the university in accordance with the established procedure;
Active participation in regular internal certification
of the university, preparation and transfer to external certification;
Oral reception of individuals and legal entities
according to the schedule approved by the rector of the university, and
consideration of applications;
Ensuring compliance with the requirements of the University
Charter, internal regulations, rules of etiquette, and dress code.
Labor activity:
1986-1988 -
Student at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute
1988-1989 -
Military service completed.
1989-1991 -
Student at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute
1991-1992 -
Junior researcher at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute on the basis of a
business contract
1992-1995 -
Postgraduate student at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.
1996-2002 -
Assistant of the Department of Plant Growing of the Samarkand Agricultural
2002-2004 -
Head of the Educational Department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute
(Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Growing)
2004-2005 -
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Agronomy Faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural
Institute (Associate Professor of the Department of Plant Growing on a
full-time basis)
2005-2008 -
Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Agronomic Faculty of the Samarkand
Agricultural Institute (Associate Professor of the Department of Genetics,
Breeding and Seed Production on a full-time basis)
2008-2012 -
Head of the Department of Educational and Methodological Work at the Samarkand
Agricultural Institute (Associate Professor of the Department of Genetics,
Breeding and Seed Production on a full-time basis)
2012-2018 -
1st Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute
(Associate Professor of the Department of Genetics, Breeding and Seed
Production on a full-time basis)
2018-2020 -
Dean of the Faculty of Biotechnology, Livestock Product Processing Technology,
Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine (Associate Professor of the
Department of Biotechnology on a full-time basis)
2018-2022 –
Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary
Medicine, (Acting temporary Professor of the Department of Biotechnology on the
basis of internal appointment)
2022 - now - Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of the Samarkand
State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology (Professor of the Department of Biotechnologies
on internal assignment basis)