Gulommamedova Orzigul Normamatovna

Reception time: Daily  09:00 - 17:00

Phone: (94)-477-67-73

The work of the psychologist belongs to the field of educational services and is aimed at improving the quality and effectiveness of personnel training, fostering a harmonious personality and creating optimal conditions for the comprehensive harmonious, complete psychological development of the student.
The duty of the higher-education psychologist is to make a worthy contribution to such a sacred cause as the shaping of intellectual capabilities, human qualities, knowledge, skills and abilities, the qualities of a specialist.
Psychologist, based on his knowledge about the behavior and mental activity of students, age patterns of mental development, professional knowledge, features of the interaction of students and adults, with peers, the organization of educational process, provides opportunities for individual approach to the personality, determines its abilities, identifies possible causes of deviation from the norm, ways of psychological and pedagogical correction. In this way, the psychologist creates an opportunity to increase the productivity of educational work in the system of higher education and the formation of a creatively active personality..
The task of the psychologist includes:
- psychoprophylactic research
- psychological awareness and education
- psychodiagnosis
- mental development and psychocorrection
- psychological counselling.
1. Psychoprophylaxis is a special kind of psychologist's activity, which consists in creating a healthy psychological environment for students and teachers and providing them with optimal conditions for the development of their personality.
2. Psychological outreach and education includes conduction special psychological activities to create the most favourable psychological climate in the student and teaching staff, improvement the culture of behaviour in the teaching staff, contribution to improving the process of communication between students and teaching staff, providing a wide range of advice in teaching teams on personal and professional problems, facilitating the removal and reduction of psychological tension and fatigue.
3. Psychodiagnostics is psychodiagnostic studies, which are aimed at a deeper psychological and pedagogical study of students in the course of their studies and are designed to identify their individual psychological characteristics and the causes of learning defects. Diagnostic work is carried out as a group or individually.
4. Work on mental development and psycho-correction is a field that requires the psychologist to actively influence the process of personal and intellectual development of the student, faculty and staff.
The psychologist carries out the following specific work in this area:
Developmental and psycho-correctional work is organised by a psychologist in various forms and situations:
а) the special work of a practical psychologist, planned sessions that can be taught separately to individual pupils.
b) Each student activity is carried out in a specific way and aims at having an educational impact on groups of students;
c) Training for parent-teacher teams in the form of educational activities with higher education personnel is envisaged.
5. Psychological advice (counselling) is provided through specific counselling to all those involved in the education and upbringing of students, including administrators, academic staff, parents, social and community workers.