Department tasksCreating conditions for talented students to engage in effective research activities;Ensuring the participation of students with high scientific abilities of the institute in the Republican Scientific and Practical Conference of Talented Youth "XXI Century - The Age of Intellectual Generation";Organizing master classes, training seminars and round tables for talented students of the university with the involvement of academicians of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, scientific research institutions, including teachers, scientists and specialists from educational and scientific centers of foreign countries;Supporting and ensuring the participation of talented students in prestigious journals published in foreign countries and in our republic with their scientific articles;To provide measures for the worthy participation of talented university students in the competitions for the State Scholarship of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the state scholarships named after Navoi, Beruni, Ulugbek, Ibn Sina, Imam al-Bukhari, Islam Karimov, Tolepbergen Qaipbergenov and Ibroyim Yusupov;To organize online scientific and practical conferences among talented students of foreign educational and scientific institutions that have established cooperative relations with the university;To organize an annual scientific and practical conference of talented students at the university and take measures to financially and morally encourage the authors of the best scientific works;To provide comprehensive support and encouragement to the activities of talented university students in creating scientific and innovative developments;To ensure the active participation of talented university students in the annual Republican Science Olympiad of students;To take measures to purposefully involve talented students of university branches and academic lyceums in various competitions and research activities;The department may also be assigned other tasks in accordance with the legislation.