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Kuldashov Bobomurod Xusanovich


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Eshanqulov Sirojiddin Xakimovich

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Majid Tuychiyevich Mavlyanov

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Axmedova Umida Sapayevna

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Department of quality control of imaging at the Samarkand State Veterinary Medical University of Life Science and Biotechnology. Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. 515 dated July 18, 2017, "Organization of the State Inspection of Quality Control at the Cabinet of the Republic of Uzbekistan", based on the decision of the Ministry of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

• The activity of the department is regulated by the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Organization on the basis of the resolution and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic and other existing legal documents relating to education, orders and orders of the Head of the Inspectorate and the Rector of a higher educational institution;
• •Development of current and long-term work plans of the department;
• Analysis of the provision of areas of education and specialties of the CTC, qualification requirements, curricula and scientific programs and their expertise;
• To study the quality of the educational process in universities, the level of provision with educational literature and teaching materials;
• Study and analyze the compliance of students' knowledge with state educational standards;
• Ensuring the implementation of legal documents aimed at improving the quality of education;
• Quality control of personnel training;
• Organization of internal certification of the university, identification of factors that negatively affect the quality of education based on the results, provision of information to the rector of the university and the Inspectorate;
• Improving the quality of education, analysis of the effectiveness of the use of modern methods and methods in the process of professional development of the teaching staff;
• Monitoring the state of indicators that determine the quality of education, and making proposals to the relevant structural structures on the identified problems and shortcomings;
• Conduct internal monitoring in order to determine the state of professional qualifications of teachers in the structural structures of universities (faculty, department, department, center, academic lyceum), as well as the level of quality in postgraduate education, advanced training and retraining. conducting, preparing analytical data, making proposals to management university to eliminate identified shortcomings and problems;
• Analyze the relevance of the basic information of professors and teachers of higher educational institutions to the subject they teach, or study whether they have undergone appropriate retraining, whether they have an academic title or degree in the relevant specialty, and inform the rector of the institute of conclusions;
• Analysis of the state of the material and technical base of the educational process, making proposals for its development and improvement;
• Monitoring the organization and effectiveness of student practice in universities, taking into account educational areas and specialties;
• In accordance with the task of the audit, collect information on the determination and evaluation of the ranking of universities, participate in processes related to attestation and study of the quality of education;
• Establishing control over the timely elimination of shortcomings and deficiencies identified in higher education institutions in the processes associated with attestation, studying the quality of education;
•   Improving the skills of the staff of the department, studying the experience of prestigious educational and scientific centers of foreign countries, developed at the expense of the Fund "Talents" of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan or international projects and universities, and apply them in the educational process;
•   Active participation in the development of measures aimed at improving the ranking of universities to the international level, together with the leadership of the university and ensuring their implementation;
•   holding educational seminars and trainings aimed at improving the quality of education in cooperation with the relevant structural structures of universities;
•   Monitoring the issues of integration interaction between the educational process and production, the practical application of innovative ideas, developments and technologies
• Providing information on the results of research and monitoring conducted by the department for improving the quality of education at the Council for Higher Education, round tables and conferences;
•   Submit proposals and recommendations to the Inspectorate and the management of the Higher Educational Institution in accordance with the established procedure on motivation or taking disciplinary measures based on the results of fulfilling the tasks of the department's employees;
•   Fulfillment of other tasks assigned to the department in the field of education quality control.
Qualification requirements:
- Higher education, scientific degree or certain work experience in the field of education (in terms of theoretical, organizational and managerial skills);
- Know the regulatory legal acts related to the field of education, the main regulatory legal documents and be able to apply them in practice;
- To know the pedagogical and educational process in educational institutions, to know the components of the assessment of the quality of education;
- Know the features of the activities of the structural units of the university;
- Have knowledge about the application of modern pedagogical methods and the use of information and communication technologies in the educational process;
- Fully understand the content and essence of educational, research and spiritual and educational work, prepare educational literature of a new generation and know the procedure for obtaining the seal of the Ministry of Education and Culture;
-  Know the procedure for advanced training and retraining of the teaching staff of higher educational institutions;
- He is fluent in Uzbek, Russian and one of the foreign languages (it is appropriate to take into account the qualifications of an employee abroad when forming a staff unit);
- Sufficient knowledge on the use of modern information and communication technologies in the work.