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Axmedova Umida Sapayevna

Главный специалист

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Job duties of the chief specialist of the department of quality control of education:

- organizes its activity on the basis of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other existing normative-legal acts in the field of education, orders and instructions of the Minister and Rector of the University, instructions of the head of the department;

- Ensuring the work with legal and regulatory documents in the department and exercising control;

- control over the implementation of educational, scientific, methodological and research plans of the university;

- participate in the process of internal attestation and prepare reports to determine the professional qualifications of teaching staff of the university structural units (faculty, department, division, center, academic lyceum), as well as the level of quality of postgraduate education, professional development and retraining;

- Evaluate the objectivity, transparency and quality of rating assessments by analyzing the process of assessing students knowledge;

- Conducting regular sociological surveys among students, parents, teachers and staff consumers in order to study the social environment, staff training and quality of education in higher education institutions and preparing analytical data on their results;

- Formation of a base of public experts and regular seminars and trainings with them within the framework of the set tasks;

- control over the timely elimination of shortcomings and omissions identified in the university in the processes related to certification and evaluation of the quality of education;

- To constantly study innovations in the sphere of education quality control in the Republic and foreign countries and to develop recommendations for their introduction into the educational process;

- participate in the processes related to certification and quality assessment of education carried out in other HEIs on behalf of the Ministry with the permission of the Head of the Department;

Qualification Requirements:

- have higher education and certain experience (theoretical, organizational) in the field of education;

- know and be able to apply laws and regulations, basic normative legal acts in the field of education;

- knowledge of pedagogical and educational process, awareness of the components of education quality assessment;

- possess the skills of applying modern pedagogical methods and knowledge of using information and communication technologies in the educational process;

- Understand the content and essence of educational, research and spiritual-educational work, know the requirements for the preparation of new generation educational literature;

- Excellent knowledge of the Uzbek language, sufficient knowledge of Russian and one foreign language (when forming a staff unit it is advisable to take into account the qualifications of the employee abroad);

- have sufficient knowledge on the use of modern information and communication technologies in the work process.