Forms of academic mobility of university professors and teachers include:
- participation in joint projects and professional retraining;
- participation in educational activities of the host country at Uzbek and foreign partner universities (including lectures and master classes, training courses);
- consulting and expert services in the field of education, etc.
- The duration of mobility is 7 days or 1-6 months;
- The main document defining the goals and objectives of mobility is the mobility plan and program.
- mobility in the form of a personal trip is possible only during the period of annual paid leave or unpaid leave at the expense of the teaching staff.
- At the end of the implementation of academic mobility, professors and teachers submit a certificate and a report on the results of the trip.
Head of the International Cooperation Department, Specialist: Khatamov Akbar Khudoyberdiyevich
Tel: +998 94 040 48 96
The purpose of attracting foreign teachers is to provide consultations and lectures to students, supervise PhD dissertations and participate in scientific research. As well as to exchange experience with the activities of the university, its institutions and scientific foundations in improving the quality of education, organizing the educational process and scientific research.
Documents required for inviting foreign scientists:
-CV of the invited foreign specialist;
-copy of passport;
-copies of diplomas and certificates confirming the scientific degree or title of the foreign scientist;
-curriculums, lecture topics.
Head of the International Cooperation Department, specialist: Khatamov Akbar Khudoyberdiyevich
Tel: +998 94 040 48 96