A critical-analytical meeting was held with professors, teachers and employees of the faculties and departments of Biotechnology and Zooengineering and Product Processing Technology under the leadership of the rector of SamSUVMLB, Khudaynazar Yunusov, on "Further increasing the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work".
The meeting noted that in the current era, when ideological struggles are intensifying in the world and spiritual threats are increasing, there are still cases of indifference to national values, exposure to harmful foreign ideas, and mistaken involvement in criminal and extremist activities among young people. In this regard, he emphasized the need to further strengthen the effectiveness of spiritual and educational work, to effectively combat internal and external threats and dangers in the spiritual sphere, to form an active civic position among young people, and to effectively convey to students and young people the essence of the political, economic, social, spiritual and educational reforms being implemented in our country, as well as the adopted legislative acts.
- Special attention is paid to the systematic organization of spiritual and educational work in our country, to strengthen the effectiveness of measures taken in this regard, to raise the intellectual potential, consciousness, thinking and worldview of young people, to strengthen their ideological immunity, and to educate a harmonious generation living with a sense of patriotism, love for the people and loyalty, - said the rector of the university, Professor Khudaynazar Yunusov.
- As a result of the large-scale reforms and creative work carried out in our country in recent years, the consciousness and worldview of our people are changing. In building a legal state and civil society, the vital idea of \u200b\u200b"From national revival to national progress" is also gaining importance. However, the economic, ideological, and ideological contradictions taking place in the world today, as well as the rapid pace of development, the impact of extremely controversial processes being felt in our country, require us to once again reconsider the goals set, based on the results achieved and the rich experience accumulated, - said Alibek Gapparov, First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs.
Therefore, it was emphasized that the work being carried out at the university in the Teacher-Student system, the further increase in the responsibility of professors and teachers in the process of education and upbringing, the upbringing of young people in the spirit of patriotism and national pride, for this, it is important to teach history well, and to further strengthen spiritual, educational, and educational processes in this direction.
Therefore, it was noted that the role of professors and teachers and employees in guiding students and young people on the right path without deviating from various negative vices is very important, that we should not forget that we are all equally responsible for ensuring the stability of a healthy environment in the community, and that there are issues of responsibility in the relevant articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan for causing various slander and slander, and discrediting based on baseless fabrications.