The Department of Normal and Pathological Physiology of Farm Animals was established in 1930. Its first head was Professor V.V. Popov. According to the history of our department, it was renamed several times:
- 1930-1936. "Normal and pathological physiology of farm animals";
- 1989-2004 Fundamentals of Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathological Physiology and Bioorganic Chemistry;
- 2005-2018 "Anatomy, physiology, pharmacology and surgery of animals";
- From May 2018. "Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology" In 1936-1940, Associate Professor V.V. Volkov. Volkov, in 1940-1946 Professor N.M. Klimov, in 1946-1961 Associate Professor A.I. Yarmoshkevich, in 1961-1989 at the chair of "Normal and pathological physiology", in 1989. "Normal and Pathological Physiology" and the unification of the department of "Organic and Biological Chemistry" a new department of "Animal Physiology, Biochemistry, Pathological Physiology and Fundamentals of Bioorganic Chemistry" was created, which was headed by Professor R.H. Khaitov, in 1993 Professor A. Dushanov, 1993- 1998 Professor Z.T. Razhamuradov, 1998-2000 Candidate of Biological Sciences T.J. Zhuraev, in 2001-2024 Associate Professor D. Eshimov, currently Acting Associate Professor F.E. Kurbanov headed this department.
In 2005, 3 departments were united and the department of "Anatomy, Physiology, Pharmacology and Surgery of Animals" was created, and in 2005-2011, Associate Professor M.H. Allamuradov, 2012-2015 Associate Professor H.B. Niyazov, 2015-2016 Associate Professor B.D. Narziev, 2016-2018 Associate Professor B. Dilmuradov worked as heads of the department.
Over the years, the department has employed N.J. Khudaiberdiev, R.A. Bobaev, N.G. Bochkaryov, F.J. Ibodullaev, V.A. Paliev, L.K. Gorumyants, H.B. Khaidarov, A.S. Lebedev, F.R. Kholmuhammedov, A. Dushanov, T.H. Jurabekov, M.A. Abdullaev, V.S. Kasatkin, B.T. Tokhtaev, Y.A. Akhbutaev, A.A. Abrorov, A.A. Kambarov, N.M. Nurmukhammedov, G.G. Parpiev, F.I. Deinego, P.T. Tishina, L.N. Glushenko, M.A. Rish, A.A. Erofeeva, K.R. Ravshanov, M.G. Safin, P.B. Bobaev, N.J. Julbekov, A.S. Sattikulov, A.T. Tursunov, X.M. Monashev, A.J. Gafurov, X.A. Avezova, O.U. Kuldoshev, Sh.I. Ergashova, Normominova T., Avazov O.S., Kodirova N., Khaidarova S.A., Urinov H.S. and others.
According to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan RP №-3703 dated 8 May 2018, Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine was established with a new faculty of Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety, the department "Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology of Animals" was created separately and started working. Currently it is working as a part of Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.
As of today, the staff includes the Head of the Department Acting Associate Professor F. E. Kurbanov, Acting Professor R. F. Ruzikulov, Associate Professors:
D. Eshimov, D. Ibragimov and M. Safin, assistants Kh. A. Kuvvatov, H.I. Islomov, Sh.A. Babaeva, R.R. Mirsaidova, F.D. Ibragimova, S.A. Aliyarov, G.B. Ubaidullaeva, B.A. Khaitova, N.R. Eshburieva, I.A. Faizullaev, O.J. Saparov, doctoral students F.H. Rakhmonov, D.S. Toshmurodov, A.A. Nakhalboev, head of laboratory S.K. Musinova, N. Toshpulatova, who are actively engaged in training students.
Today our department has established international co-operation with the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. Professors and teachers of our department actively participate in international conferences. The creative staff of the department is in constant contact and dialogue with a number of research institutes and higher educational institutions of the Commonwealth of Independent States and with leading scientists working in them.
Currently, the scientific activity of the department is aimed at entering the international arena, and our participation in international scientific conferences held in foreign countries.
Currently, the department has 1 acting professor, 3 associate professors, 1 (PhD), 11 assistants.
Assistant of the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathophysiology of Animals.
Assistant of the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathophysiology of Animals.
Assistant Professor of the department of physiology, biochemistry and pathological physiology.
Hof the tent, physiology, pathological physiology, department of biochemistry and assistant .
Assistant at the Department of Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology.
Department of Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Biological Sciences, assistant.
Assistant of the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathophysiology of Animals.
Assistant at the Department of Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology.