Research areas
• Veterinary science
• Zoology
• Ichthyology
Personal data
Feruz Kurbanov graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 2011. In 2022, he received the academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy of Veterinary Sciences (PhD) in the specialty "Zoology" - 06.00.06. Over the past 5 years, he has also expanded his knowledge and experience in prestigious universities in Kazakhstan and Turkey.
Conscientiously perform their official duties;
• Observe labor discipline, promptly and efficiently execute orders and instructions of the employer in accordance with the law;
• Treat the property of the institution with care and use it wisely;
• Be polite with members of the higher educational institution and other persons encountered in the course of work, and observe the dress code;
• Participate in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the department;
• Approval of the work plan of the department, individual work plans of the faculty and staff, as well as other documents within the scope of the department's activities;
• When distributing educational and methodological assignments among the faculty of the department, monitor their timely and high-quality implementation;
• Ensuring the selection of the faculty of the department, providing them with material and moral support, as well as making proposals to the university management in accordance with the established procedure on the application of disciplinary sanctions to them;
• Require the relevant university services to provide the necessary conditions for the implementation of the educational and research process at the required level;
• Prepare a report on the department's activities for the academic year in accordance with the established procedure and deadlines and present it at a meeting of the council;
• Conduct scientific research in accordance with the approved plan, ensure the integration of completed scientific research with education, science and production;
• Organize work aimed at developing methodological, scientific-methodological, pedagogical-research, spiritual-educational and organizational-methodological work in the individual work plans of the department's teachers, studying, generalizing the activities of experienced teachers, popularizing their best practices;
Implementation of modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies, assistance to young teachers beginning their teaching careers in acquiring pedagogical qualifications and skills, creation of an information base, effective use of modern teaching aids, individual teaching methods and independent work methods in the educational process for proposals on organizing training in special classes equipped with modern computer technology, as well as on developing elements of distance learning;
• Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel corresponding to the specialty of the department or participation in expert groups for discussing candidate and doctoral dissertations in related specialties at scientific seminars and determining the compliance of educational documents with standard requirements;
• Establishing partnerships with manufacturing enterprises and other organizations on issues of graduate employment, forming topics for final and master's dissertations, attracting extra-budgetary funds, as well as providing scientific and technical assistance;
• Establish regular contacts with the university (higher educational institution) and interns, research staff and students of this faculty, monitor graduates;
• Carrying out events aimed at improving the qualifications of specialists in the department's specialty, developing the system of educational services;
• Taking into account the interests of students, organize practical classes on various topics, areas and specialties, types of professions, as well as hold events at small enterprises aimed at employing students in productive and useful work in their free time;
• Ensure effective and high-quality performance of laboratory work in the disciplines taught at the department, as well as widely involve sponsors in equipping the department's laboratories with modern equipment, consumables and inventory;
• Constantly monitor the continuous replenishment and updating of the university's information and resource center with new methodological, scientific, technical and periodical literature in the areas of education and specialties of the department;
• Provide types of training stipulated by the disciplines of the curricula developed in accordance with the state educational standards of higher education, at a high theoretical, scientific, methodological and professional level, guarantee the quality of education;
Management of students' professional practice, course projects (topics), final professional papers, master's theses, as well as independent work and scientific research;
• Introduce rating control of students' knowledge and organize events to organize students' work outside of school hours;
• Training highly qualified and competitive personnel who meet the high moral and ethical requirements of developed democratic countries;
• Develop and submit, in accordance with the established procedure, programs of disciplines in the disciplines of the department, as well as prepare reviews and conclusions on the programs of disciplines prepared by related departments;
• Preparation of textbooks, teaching and methodological, teaching and methodological and artistic manuals, preparation of annotations for textbooks, teaching and methodological and artistic manuals published in the Uyghur language, including those created in collaboration with foreign scientists;
• Regularly conduct and improve comparative studies of the state educational standards, curricula and programs in the areas and specialties of the department with the educational programs of developed foreign countries;
• Selection and training of talented students, participation in Olympiads and competitions, including grants from the Istedod Foundation and state grants
• Preparation of students for participation in the development process and taking measures to improve the forms and methods of independent work;
• Systematically organize scientific and creative activities of students, identify talented students and involve them in research work, prepare them to carry out research work individually and as part of a team, create the necessary organizational, methodological and material base. and technical conditions for the implementation of their scientific and creative activities. creation of conditions;
• Use of the obligations and privileges set out in the final version of the agreement;
• The head of the department organizes events with the participation of representatives of foreign states in embassies and foreign organizations in the manner established by the relevant organizations, under the auspices of the Council for International Relations or in exceptional cases on behalf of the rector's order.
It is necessary to know:
Knowledge of the essence of decisions concerning the activities of the department, decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers, decrees of the Ministry of Education, orders, instructions of the rector of the university, annual and quarterly plans of the university.
Qualification requirements:
• Professional and organizational skills necessary for a managerial position in higher education institutions, experience in management and work experience in the field of education, relevant knowledge and skills within the framework of the type of activity and competence;
• Possess exemplary personal qualities - intelligence, culture, leadership, creativity, politeness, organization, initiative and entrepreneurial skills, a sense of responsibility, the ability to make decisions and act independently, the ability to act independently and the ability to achieve strategic goals. goals of the institution. provide opportunities;
• Have an academic degree of Doctor of Science or Candidate of Sciences or the academic title of Professor or Associate Professor in one of the areas and specialties of training bachelors and masters in a higher educational institution.
• It is necessary to have at least 5 years of effective work experience in this field.
Work experience
• 2007-2011. – Student of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute (Bachelor's degree)
• 2011-2013. - Master's student of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute
• 2013-2016. - Samarkand Agricultural Institute, assistant of the department of "Infectious and invasive diseases of animals"
• 2016-2018. – Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
• 2018. – Deputy Dean for Spiritual Work and Assistant of the Department of "Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology" of the Faculty of "Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety" of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
• 2019-2021. – PhD student and assistant of the department of "Diseases of birds, fish, bees and fur animals" of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
• 04/11/2022. - Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology, chief specialist of the department of methodological support of academic lyceums and technical schools and assistant of the department (PhD) "Diseases of birds, fish, bees and fur animals" of the faculty of "Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety"
• 09/04/2023. – Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology, Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs and Assistant Professor of the Department of Diseases of Birds, Fish, Bees and Fur Animals, (PhD)
Since September 2024 to the present - Associate Professor, Head of the Department, Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology of Animals, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology.