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Ibragimova Feruza Davletbayevna

Assistant of the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathophysiology of Animals

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research Areas

• Veterinary parasitology

• Veterinarian microbiology, virology, epizotology, mycology and immunology

Personal information

   Ibragimova Feruza Davletbayevna was born in Samarkand in 1983. In 1999, he graduated from the 18th secondary school of the city of Samarkand, in the same year he became a student of the Veterinary Faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute, and in 2003 he graduated. Then, in 2004, he entered the master's degree, and in 2006, he was awarded the master's degree in animal pathology, oncology and morphology. In 2007, he entered graduate school and graduated in 2011. Since 2020, he has been working as an assistant at the "Animal Physiology, Biochemistry and Pathological Physiology" department.

Job Responsibilities

  • Conducting Academic Activities
  • Perform laboratory, practical, and other sessions outlined in the curriculum, designed in accordance with state educational standards for higher education for all forms of learning (full-time and part-time) with a high level of theoretical, scientific, technical, and methodological preparation.
  • Student Guidance
  • Supervise professional practice, coursework projects, and students' independent work.
  • Conduct student knowledge assessments through rating control.
  • Organize extracurricular activities for students.
  • Training and Development
  • Prepare highly qualified specialists who meet the high spiritual and moral standards of developed democratic countries.
  • Develop textbooks, educational, methodological, and illustrative materials, as well as annotate educational resources, including co-authored works with foreign scholars, as per the university rectorate's instructions.
  • Supporting Educational Institutions
  • Participate in preparing necessary educational and methodological literature requested by non-governmental educational institutions.
  • Mentoring Talented Students
  • Work with talented students, prepare them for participation in Olympiads and competitions, including the "Istе'dod" Fund contest. Improve methods of students' independent learning.
  • Optimizing Learning
  • Take measures to increase the volume of independent study by optimizing classroom activities.
  • Scientific Research
  • Conduct scientific research according to the approved plan, discuss completed research, implement results in production, and recommend scientific works for publication.
  • Ensure effective integration of education, science, and production.
  • Student Research Supervision
  • Supervise students' research work.
  • Pedagogical Excellence
  • Study, summarize, and disseminate the experiences of seasoned educators.
  • Introduce new pedagogical technologies.
  • Modern Tools and Technology
  • Utilize modern technical tools and instruments for personalized and independent learning during classes.
  • Knowledge Requirements
  • Be aware of relevant laws, Cabinet of Ministers' resolutions, ministry orders, university rector's directives, and the department's annual and long-term pedagogical plans.
  • Qualification Requirements
  • Possess professional and organizational skills necessary for teaching.
  • Have expertise, experience, and tenure in education, with relevant knowledge and skills in the field of activity.
  • Hold a higher education degree.
  • Exhibit exemplary personal qualities: intelligence, culture, creativity, politeness, initiative, responsibility, independence in decision-making, decisiveness, and the ability to achieve the institution's strategic goals while performing duties conscientiously.

Work Experience

• 1999-2003. - Student of Samarkand Agricultural Institute (Bachelor)

• 2003-2004. - Laboratory assistant at the "General Chemistry" department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

2004-2007. - Graduate student of Samarkand Agricultural Institute

•2007-2011 - Trainee researcher of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

  • 2019 - h.v.   - Head of the Department of Animal Anatomy, Histology and Pathological Anatomy of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine

    • 2020, Assistant at the Department of Physiology, Biochemistry, and Pathological Physiology of Animals, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnologies.