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Gapparov Alibek Karshiboyevich

First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs

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Personal information

Gapparov Alibek Karshiboyevich graduated from the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in 2009. In 2024, he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology with a specialization in 10.00.11 - "Language Theory. Applied and Computer Linguistics".

In 2021, he was awarded the commemorative badge "30th Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan".

Job responsibilities

• Implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Presidential Resolutions, Decrees and Orders, Resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training, regulatory legal acts, instructions of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education;

• Social responsibility for the implementation of orders, orders and instructions of higher organizations on issues related to spiritual and educational processes, decisions of the Council of the Higher Educational Institution and orders of the rector;

• Monitoring the social activity of students and youth and organizing cooperation with competent organizations (Ministry of Internal Affairs, National Guard, Prosecutor General's Office, State Security Service, Emergency Situations Service, Ministry of Neighborhood and Family Support, Youth Affairs Agency, etc.);

• Monitoring the issues of ensuring the uninterrupted and efficient operation of the sports and health care, household services, catering, recreation, cultural leisure systems of the Higher Educational Institution;

• To determine the financial situation of students from large families who are financially disadvantaged and are registered in local governments through the “Unified Register of Social Protection” information system, and who are included in the “Iron Book”, “Youth Book”, “Women’s Book” and “Mehr Book” and to carry out regular work on their social protection;

• To organize interviews with the population on the spot by university professors and teachers based on the principle of “One neighborhood - one intellectual spiritual patron”;

• To manage and assist in the process of searching for, selecting and working with talented young people, and to manage the process of preparing prestigious scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruni, Ulugbek, Ibn Sina and others from among students and young people;

• Take action against students, professors and employees who violate the “Code of Ethics” and “Internal Rules” of the university, make proposals for terminating the contract with them;

• Study, make proposals and discuss cases of student expulsion;

• Conduct annual activity reports of faculties and departments, analyze and draw conclusions, evaluate the spiritual and educational work of professors and tutors;

• Give instructions to the structural units of the university based on the essence of the task in the direction, demand its execution, as well as submit a proposal to the rector to take appropriate measures against employees who have not fulfilled the tasks given in this direction or have been negligent in this direction;

• Develop a plan for spiritual and educational work and organize and monitor its implementation, and work together with the university team to provide quality education;

• Make proposals to the rector on coordinating the activities of the “Council for Spirituality and Enlightenment” and the departments of social and humanitarian sciences of the university;

• Regularly organize various meetings, discussions, dialogues, oral interviews, question and answer evenings;

• Organize meaningful and effective spending of students’ free time, implement 5 important initiatives at the university;

• Regularly monitor the conditions that comprehensively meet the needs of students living in student dormitories of the university, coordinate the organization of various meetings and events;

• Organize and monitor meaningful spending of free time from classes with students living in rented accommodation, close relatives and in their own apartments;

• Regularly cover spiritual and educational issues at the university in the media and social networks, and express opinions on the reforms being implemented in our country;

• Organizing competitions, festivals, amateur art circles (KVZ, Student Theater Studios, dance, vocal, makom ensembles, bakhshi), Spartakiads, Olympiads on a regular basis;

• Formation of national teams of the university in sports, ensuring their participation in competitions;

• Coordination of work on the fight against corruption in the system, cooperation with the "Compliance Control" departments;

• Direct participation in the recruitment of professors, teachers and employees at the university;

• Nominate worthy candidates for tutorship at the university and participate with their proposals in their hiring and dismissal;

• As the chairman of the commission for placing students in the TJU at the university, ensure that its membership includes the deans of the faculty, the Youth Leader, the chairman of the Women's Advisory Council of the university, and the heads of the TJU directorate;

• To implement a spiritual and moral education program aimed at glorifying human rights and values, educating independent-thinking youth by instilling in students and youth the national spirit and democratic principles based on universal values, based on the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On Education”;

• To systematically promote and instill the principle of man-society-state by supporting the aspirations, research and initiatives of each student and youth that serve the peace and happiness of the country;

• To educate university students in the spirit of loyalty to the homeland, love for the motherland, faith in the great and noble goal of building a free and prosperous homeland, courage and self-sacrifice, and to carry out propaganda and advocacy work aimed at their strict responsibility for preventing crime;

• To supervise the procedures for students to enter and exit the building, walk in the corridors, sit in classes, and behave in relation to equipment;

• To supervise the behavior, dress, and use of mobile phones of teaching staff and students, to conduct explanatory work with those who do not comply with the rules, and to propose disciplinary measures;

• To conduct inquiries into the incorrect opinions of students, staff, and professors and teachers published on social networks;

• To temporarily perform tasks within the scope of their authority when the rector (director) of a higher educational institution is on a business trip, on vacation, or is temporarily absent from work due to illness;

• To ensure the training of highly educated, qualified personnel with high moral and ethical qualities, capable of independent thinking;

• Coordinate the activities of the departments of social and humanitarian sciences and ensure their active participation in the spiritual and educational work of the institution;

• Instilling the national idea in the minds of students, forming practical, effective mechanisms for conducting spiritual and moral education, managing and consistently improving the spiritual and educational process;

• Developing current and prospective plans for spiritual and educational work and creating a system for monitoring their strict implementation;

• Developing the necessary normative and methodological documents and practical action plans for the system of spiritual and educational work;

• Delivering the documents adopted by the Committee on spiritual and educational issues to the staff of the higher educational institution in a timely manner and ensuring the implementation of the measures contained in them;

• Creating the necessary conditions for the formation of a social environment among professors, teachers and students that meets the requirements of the liberalization of society;

• Forming in students the need to eliminate the spirit of spiritual dependence and constantly develop their thinking;

• Work in cooperation with law enforcement agencies to implement legal education and prevent crime;

• Organize a system for disseminating information about domestic and international life to the general public, teachers and students;

• Prepare and publish scientific, methodological and practical literature, manuals on spiritual and educational issues;

• Provide methodological and informational (literature, manuals, etc.) support to the departments of the humanitarian and socio-economic sciences, study and analyze issues of the potential and qualifications of professors and teachers, prepare relevant proposals;

• Improve the activities of sports clubs, train students in sports, ensure their active participation in the "Universiade" sports competitions;

• Pay special attention to the reading and study of fiction among students, especially high-quality works of art created in Uzbekistan during the years of independence, and for this purpose, organize special competitions, readers' conferences, meetings with authors and writers for the best interpretation, analysis and review of works of art, encourage winners, and enrich the information resource center of the educational institution with various literary, journalistic works, and popular scientific publications;

• Obtaining information about the financial situation of students from low-income, large families and conducting regular work on their social protection;

• Organizing and monitoring the work of the faculties and educational institution in cooperation with students' parents, local authorities, charitable foundations, neighborhoods;

• Ensuring the regular publication of multi-copy and wall newspapers, constantly covering the work being carried out in the educational institution on spiritual and educational issues;

• Ensuring the active participation of professors, teachers and students in various public works and events at the republican, regional, district and city levels;


Labor activity

• 2003-2007 - Student of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

• 2007-2009 - Master's student of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

• 2007-2008 - Lecturer of the Department of Applied Phonetics and Grammar of the German Language, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, on an internal basis

• 2008-2009 - Lecturer of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, on an internal basis

• 2009-2010 - Lecturer of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages

• 2010-2012 - Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Oriental Philology, Lecturer of the Interfaculty Department of Foreign Languages, on an internal basis

• 2012-2017 - Teacher of the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages, Samarkand Agricultural Institute

• 2017-2018 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Zootechnics and Karakul Breeding, Samarkand Agricultural Institute, Teacher of the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages ​​on an internal basis

• 2018-2019 - Deputy Dean for Academic Affairs of the Faculty of Zooengineering, Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute, Teacher of the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages ​​on an internal basis

• 2019-2022 - Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs, Samarkand Veterinary Medicine Institute

• 2022 - ex officio - First Vice-Rector for Youth Affairs and Spiritual and Educational Affairs, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.