Research area
• Pedagogy
• German Philology
Personal data
Nizamov Gafur Mamarasulovich graduated from the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages in 2010. In 2023, he received the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.01 - “Development of professional communicative competencies of students by means of information and communication technologies”. Also, over the past 3 years, he has expanded his knowledge and experience at prestigious universities in Kazakhstan.
Based on the results of scientific research, he has published about 60 scientific articles, 1 textbook, 2 textbooks, 1 monograph.
Currently, in connection with the ongoing reforms in the republic, the development of scientific and innovative activities of the university is aimed at attracting students to scientific research, building scientific potential, expanding the scale of national and international projects.
* Organization of the implementation of the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President, decisions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;
* Organization of scientific, methodological and pedagogical work of the department on the basis of state educational standards and provision of training of qualified personnel;
* Organization of execution of orders, orders and instructions of senior officials, resolutions of the Academic Council of the University and orders of the rector on issues related to scientific, methodological and pedagogical processes of the department;
• Studying trends in the development of the education system in developed countries, developing methods and means of implementing the tasks specified in the law on education, the national training program and other educational laws, and ensuring their implementation;
* Organization of the introduction and effective use of progressive forms of education, including distance learning, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies in the educational process;
* Preparation of proposals and organization of work in the field of activity;
* Coordination, organization and control of the work of departments, deans, scientific laboratories, research teams providing scientific, methodological and research process of the department;
* Improving the quality of scientific, methodological and research work of the department, monitoring and ensuring the implementation of personal plans of the teaching staff;
* Organization of educational and scientific conferences, management of the work of the scientific and technical Council of the University, generalization of advanced scientific and methodological experience;
• To carry out general management of the process of preparation and publication of scientific materials, including journals and collections of scientific papers, on behalf of the university staff and replenishment of the library fund with scientific periodicals in all areas of educational and scientific activities of the university;
• Managing and facilitating the processes of searching, selecting and working with talented youth, managing the training process from among students and interns-researchers-applicants, laureates of prestigious scholarships named after the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruni, Ulugbek, Zulfiya and others;
* Development of proposals for the staffing of teaching and support staff for research work, organization of work to provide departments, departments and scientific laboratories with qualified personnel;
* Conduct competitive recruitment for vacant positions, prepare proposals for the recruitment of doctoral students, independent researchers and masters, as well as develop and implement plans to improve the teaching staff;
* Conducting annual reports on the activities of the teaching staff of the department, analysis and conclusions, evaluating the scientific activities of the teaching staff using modern methods;
* To carry out constant cooperation with higher educational institutions in scientific, methodological and pedagogical areas, to ensure the active participation of the teaching staff in conferences, seminars, to cooperate with local governments;
* Determination, analysis of the annual rating of the department in accordance with the established procedure, carrying out work on improving activities.
Labor activity
• 2006-2010 - Student of the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
• 2011-2013 - Master's student at the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages
• 2013-2017 - Lecturer at the Department of Uzbek and Foreign Languages of Samarkand
• Agricultural Institute
• 2018-2021 - Lecturer at the Department of Uzbek Literature and Foreign Languages of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
• 2021-2022 - Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine
• 2022-2023 - Lecturer at the Department of Foreign Languages of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology
• 2023 - present - Head of the Department of Foreign Languages of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology