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Farmanov Nizom Ochilovich

Head of the Department of Veterinary Pharmacy, Associate Professor, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences

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Research areas

  • Veterinary medicine

      •  Veterinary pharmacology

Personal information

N.Farmonov was born on September 12, 1950 in Nurota district of Samarkand region, Uzbek nationality, graduated from the veterinary faculty of the institute in 1978 with honors. Candidate of veterinary sciences, associate professor, has 50 years of scientific and pedagogical experience.

N.Farmonov was the head of the veterinary clinic in 1978-1979, the assistant of the department of "internal unpleasant diseases" in 1979-1982.

In 1982-1985, he completed post-graduate studies at the Academy of Veterinary Medicine in Moscow and obtained the scientific degree of candidate of veterinary sciences.  Since 1986, he has been an assistant at the "Surgery and Pharmacology" department of the institute, and since 1990, he has been an associate professor of this department. In 1987-1991, he was the deputy dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in 1991-1995, the head of the educational department of the institute, in 1995-1996, in educational affairs, in 1996-1998, in spiritual and educational affairsfirst deputy rector. From 1998 to 2005, he was the dean of the veterinary faculty, from 2005 he was the head of the master's and postgraduate department, from 2006 he was the head of the internal control and monitoring department. rector. 2008-2015 Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Animal Husbandry. Since 2015, he has been working as the head of the monitoring and internal control department.

In 2015-2018, he was the head of the monitoring and internal control department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute. In 2018-2021, he was the head of the monitoring and internal control department of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine. In 2021-2022, he is the head of the Department of Veterinary Pharmacy of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine.

From 2022 until now, he is the head of the "veterinary pharmaceutics" department of the Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine University of Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.

In 1975, the medal "For exemplary work". Badge of the 15th, 20th and 30th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of UZBEKISTAN, Badge of the Honorer of Higher Education of the Republic of UZBEKISTAN, and Veterinary Devotee of the Republic of UZBEKISTAN. Based on the results of scientific research, about 150 scientific articles, 2 textbooks, 4 training manuals, 2 methodological manuals

Job duties

•laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees and orders of the President, decisions of the Supreme Assembly and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and personnel training, decisions and orders of the Board of the Committee for the Development of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation organizing the implementation of university and faculty council decisions, assignments, university rector's orders, orders, instructions, assignments in the department;

•Organization of educational and scientific work based on state educational standards and training of qualified personnel;

•To develop the legal and regulatory documents of the educational process in the main educational directions and specialties, in particular, the state educational standard, curricula, qualification requirements, science programs, and to provide similar higher education institutions in our republic with themorganize arrangement;

•To ensure that the professors-teachers of all departments are fully aware of the set of requirements for the content of knowledge and the level of preparation in accordance with the state educational standards;

•To study the trends of the educational system of developed countries, to develop methods and tools for the implementation of the tasks specified by the Law "On Education", "National Program of Personnel Training" and other laws related to education, and to implement them in the department provide. Delivery feed implementation supply provisions;

•Organization of advanced forms of teaching, including distance learning, introduction of new pedagogical and information and communication technologies and their effective use among professors and teachers of the department;

•Preparation of proposals for department activity and organization of work;

•Coordination, organization and control of scientific research activities of professors and teachers at the department;

•Organization of master's dissertations, graduation qualification work of bachelors, doctoral dissertations of basic doctoral students and research students in the department;

•Development and approval of scientific research plans of the department's scientific laboratories and control of their implementation;

•To control the implementation of the personal work plans of the professors and teachers of the department and to ensure the quality of educational and scientific work;

•Organization of educational and scientific conferences in the department and generalization of advanced scientific and methodological experiences;

•Organization of the results of scientific work of professors and teachers of the department, preparation of journals and collections of scientific works by the staff of the department;

•To select talented young people in the department and attach them to professors and teachers, organize work based on the mentor-apprentice system and prepare among them the president of the Republic of Uzbekistan and other famous and prestigious scholarship winners;

•To organize the development and implementation of plans for rejuvenating the composition of professors and teachers at the department and increasing the weight of young people;

•Effective use of the educational and scientific laboratory, preparation of proposals for improving the technical equipment of the laboratory;

•To take measures against the employees who violated executive discipline in the department, to make proposals to the university management to cancel the contract with them;

•Organization of educational and scientific research works in cooperation with prestigious scientific centers of foreign countries and similar higher education institutions in order to improve the educational, scientific research and educational content, to ensure the training of specialists based on international requirements draw up a mutual memorandum and develop plans for cooperation with them;

•To ensure constant cooperation of the department with the departments of higher educational institutions in the educational and scientific direction, to organize the active participation of professors and teachers in conferences and seminars;

•Participation in determining and analyzing the university's annual rating of the department in accordance with the established procedure, and in the implementation of activities related to the improvement of activities;

•Coordinating the implementation of the department's anti-corruption "compliance control" system and increasing the scope of anti-corruption reforms in the country, ensuring the implementation of the tasks specified in the action plan, preventing corruption in the department organization of practical work on combating corruption for all employees of the department, doctoral students, masters, students to fight against it;

•In the department, to organize the writing of annual reports of professors and teachers, and to analyze them at the meeting of the department and draw conclusions;

Labor activity

1967-1970. - Student of Samarkand Zoo Veterinary Technical College

1970-1971 - Preparatory course student of Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1971-1973 - Completed military service

1973-1978. - Student of Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1978-1979 - Head of the Veterinary Clinic at the Veterinary Faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1979-1982. - Assistant of the Department of internal non-infectious diseases of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1982-1985 - Graduate student of the Moscow Veterinary Academy

1986-1987 - Assistant of the Department of Surgery and Pharmacology of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1987-1991. - Deputy Dean of the Veterinary Faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1991-1995. - Head of the educational department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1995-1996 - Deputy rector for educational affairs of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1996-1998. - First deputy rector of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute for spiritual and educational affairs

1998-2005. - Dean of the Veterinary Faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

2005-2006 - Head of the Master's and Postgraduate Department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

2006-2008 - Head of the internal control and monitoring department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

in 2008-2014. - Acting Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary, Zootechnics and Animal Husbandry of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

2015-2018 - Head of the Monitoring and Internal Control Department of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute

in 2018-2021. - Head of the monitoring and internal control department of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine

in 2021-2022. - Head of the Department of Veterinary Pharmaceuticals of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine

in 2022. - until now-- the head of the department of veterinary pharmaceuticals of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology