Department head
Nasimov Shukhrat Naimovich
Reception time: Daily (8:00 – 16:00)
Phone: +99891-527-30-72
Email address: shuхratnasimov@gmail.com
Nasimov Sh.N. Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Diseases of Birds, Fish, Bees and Fur Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.
Nasimov Sh.N. Born on October 26, 1965 in the Samarkand region of the Samarkand region. In 1987 he graduated from the veterinary faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute, in 1990 – postgraduate studies.
In 1991 he defended his thesis on the topic “Parasitocenosis of goats and dogs caused by taeniids and sarcosporidia”. In 1991-2003; In 2017-2018 he worked as an assistant at the Department of Parasitology and Invasive Animal Diseases of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute. In 2003-2017, the director of the Uzbek-British-Russian Joint Venture “Uzbiokombinat”, specializing in the production of medicines in the field of veterinary medicine. Since July 2018, he has been working as the head of the Department of Diseases of Birds, Fish, Bees and Fur Animals at the SamIVM, now the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.
Sh.N.Nasimov is the author of more than 70 scientific papers, including 2 manuals, 2 manuals, 1 patent, 5 recommendations and 7 specifications for veterinary drugs introduced into production.
As a supervisor, supervised 1 Ph.D. thesis, 5 master’s theses and 5 bachelor’s theses. Currently supervises the scientific work of 3 undergraduates and 1 thesis. Family, has 3 children.
Department “Diseases of birds, fish, bees and fur animals” yesterday
The Department of “Diseases of Birds, Fish, Bees and Fur Animals” was organized in July 2018 as part of the implementation of the “Road Map” of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan PP No. 3703 “On the establishment of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine” dated May 8, 2018. 9 teachers worked at the department, 5 of them had an academic degree: Doctor of Sciences, Professor A.S.Daminov; doctor of veterinary sciences, associate professor S.B. Eshburiev, candidates of veterinary sciences Sh.N. Nasimov, Z.B. F.E.Kurbanov, J.M.Sattarov, S.Seytvelieva, U.T.Karshiev. The average scientific potential of the faculty of the department was 54.6%.
The duration, methodological support and quality of educational practice for undergraduate and graduate students have been revised. 3-year agreements on mutual cooperation for 2018-2021 were concluded with manufacturing enterprises and organizations: Ablakul Kadir Sharif Agro LLC fish farm, Babajanova Matluba beekeeping farm, poultry farm LLC Sifat Bio Vet Dori and poultry farm LLC Zarafshon Parranda “. In order to strengthen the process of mutual integration of science and production and ensure consistency and continuity between them, students and undergraduates regularly took part.
Within the framework of state scientific and technical programs (grant), the employees of the department Daminov A.S. and Nasimov Sh.N. cooperated in cooperation on the basis of a contract in the Institute’s project No. QX-A-QX-2018-219 “Development and implementation of improved methods for the prevention and treatment of pathologies, productive animals and poultry under the influence of environmental and man-made factors” (theme leader Yu.S. Salimov) planned for 2018-2020.
On international cooperation, 2 employees of the department, Professor A.S.Daminov and senior lecturer A.Khudzhamshukurov, conducted practice and internships at prestigious higher educational institutions in Portugal, Russia, Belarus and Poland. With the assistance of the Embassy of the Polish State in the Republic of Uzbekistan, the department organized an interdepartmental laboratory “Opta-Tech”, equipped with modern microscopes, a labscanner and a video projector, put into operation where 7 departments conduct their laboratory classes in various subjects, and according to the research plan, research is carried out by doctoral students, undergraduates and independent researchers.
Department “Diseases of birds, fish, bees and forest animals” today
In the 2022-2023 academic year, 7 teachers work at the department. Of these, 1 Doctor of Science, Associate Professor S.B. Eshburiev, 2 Candidates of Sciences, Associate Professor Sh.N. Nasimov, Acting Associate Professor Z.B. ., and assistant Kurbanov F.E. and 2 assistants without a scientific degree Sattarov Zh.M., Karshiev U.T.
Also at the department, research work is carried out by 2 basic doctoral students Z.N. .
The scientific potential of the department is 75%.
The average age of a doctor of science (DSc) at the department is 41 years, candidates of science and (PhD) – 47 years.
The innovative project “Creation of environmentally friendly local probiotics for the prevention and treatment of poultry and rabbit diseases”, prepared by the staff of the department, was recognized as the winner by the Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan and by Order of the Minister No. 224 of August 24, 2021 was registered under the font PZ-2020123121. The project implementation is scheduled from September 2021 to August 2023. The project is led by the head of the department Ph.D. associate professor Nasimov Sh.N. Currently, within the framework of this innovative project, 9 university employees are employed, one undergraduate, two students.
Contracts have been concluded with industrial farms: Fish farm, poultry meat and egg enterprises, bee and rabbit farms on practical cooperation for 3 years, where undergraduate and graduate students take practical classes, also regularly participate in strengthening the process of mutual integration of science and production, ensuring consistency and succession between them.
From the day the department was founded to the present day, that is, in 4 years, 3 textbooks, 3 methodological manuals, about 200 scientific articles and 7 scientific recommendations have been published. Also in 2020; In 2022, two candidate dissertations (PhD) were defended by A.N. Khudzhamshukurov and F.E. Kurbanov.
List of professors and teachers of the department “Diseases of birds, fish, bees and fur-bearing animals”.
t\r Surname, name, surname Subjects taught Staff unit
1.Nasimov Shukhrat Naimovich - Diseases of poultry, Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals, Biology of bees, Pest control of bees, Scientific foundations of beekeeping 1.0
2.Eshburiev Sabir Bakhtiyarovich - Diagnosis of diseases of domestic, laboratory, wild and exotic animals, Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals, Diseases of poultry, Diseases of wild, exotic and ornamental birds, Non-infectious diseases of poultry. 1.0
3.Mamatova Zamira Baratovna - Diagnosis of diseases of small domestic, laboratory, wild and exotic animals, Diseases of birds, Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals. 0.5
4.Khudzhamshukurov Akhtam Nurmamatovich - Diseases of birds, Parasitic diseases of birds. 0.5
5.Kurbonov Feruz Ennatilaevich - Diseases of fish and bees, Diseases of aquarium and exotic fish, Diseases of birds. 0.5
6.Sattarov Jamshid Madamin ugli -Diseases of fish and their control, Diseases of fish and bees, Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals, Diseases of birds. 1.0
7.Karshiev Usman Temirovich - Laboratory diagnostics of diseases of wild and exotic animals, Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals, Diseases of poultry. 1.0
1.Subjects taught at the department
No Name of items Direction
1.Diseases of birds Undergraduate
2.Diseases of exotic and ornamental animals
3.Diagnosis of diseases of small domestic, laboratory, wild and exotic animals
4.Fish diseases and their control
5.Diseases of fish and bees
1.Diseases of wild, exotic and ornamental birds Master course
2.Diseases of aquarium and exotic fish
3.Pest control
4.Diseases of food and water origin
5.Scientific basis of beekeeping
6.Non-communicable diseases of poultry
7.Non-infectious diseases of bees
8.Non-infectious fish diseases
9.Infectious diseases of poultry
10.Infectious and parasitic diseases of bees
11.Infectious diseases of fish
12.Infectious diseases of wild and fur animals
13.Fundamentals of veterinary and sanitary work in poultry farms.
14.Parasitic diseases of poultry
15.Veterinary and sanitary measures in beekeeping farms
16.Biology of bees
17.Veterinary and sanitary measures in fish farms
18.Parasitic and invasive diseases of fish