In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated May 8, 2018 No. PP-3703, the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine was established, within which the faculty “Biotechnology, technology for processing livestock products” began to work as a new faculty. In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 31, 2022 No. PP-187 “On the radical improvement of the training system in the field of veterinary medicine and animal husbandry” On the basis of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology was established. Today, the Faculty of Biotechnology, in accordance with the order of the rector of August 31, 2022 No. 147, has been reorganized anew. Currently, more than 550 students are studying here, in the 2021-2022 academic year, 143 first graduates of the faculty in 3 areas of study received a direction for production and work in organizations and farms in all regions of the republic.

The structure of the faculty: the dean's office of the faculty, the council of the faculty, the educational and methodological council, as well as the departments.

The Faculty of Biotechnology has the following areas of undergraduate study:
60710200-Biotechnology - (by industry) - being a direction in the field of production - in the field of veterinary medicine, in the organization of labor activity in production organizations, normalization of labor, food security, it covers a complex set of issues related to ensuring biological safety, breeding fodder plants in the sector animal husbandry, the development and implementation, design and organization of the necessary measures for the reproduction of medicinal plants used in veterinary medicine, the development and implementation of regulatory documents and their introduction into production practice based on biological technologies.
60840500-Veterinary biotechnology- The role of biotechnology in veterinary medicine and animal husbandry is invaluable. In particular, the study of the biology of reproduction of farm animals, the management of the sexual cycle of animals, embryo transplantation, the extraction of embryos, the storage of embryos, the fertilization of eggs outside the body of an animal, the maturation of oocytes in vitro, the provision and creation of transgenic animals using genetic engineering, the causes of various diseases and similar ailments in animals, as well as the solution of such important tasks as conducting molecular genetic analyzes with in-depth study and, above all, timely diagnosis of various dangerous diseases.
60840200-Veterinary pharmaceuticals - a direction related to the field of education "veterinary medicine", which includes the isolation of the main active substances from medicinal plant raw materials, the technology for preparing various dosage forms, the rules for storing medicines in pharmacies depending on the characteristics of their action, dispensing dosage forms for based on prescriptions, as well as the production of dosage forms based on plant materials with new medicinal properties of veterinary practice, covering a range of issues related to the search and development of various drugs and their introduction into veterinary practice.
60812100-Technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants-technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants educational direction, which is a complex of professional industries that introduces medicinal plants, their rational use, ensures the development of the needs of the pharmaceutical industry in medicinal plant raw materials, participates in meeting the needs of the pharmaceutical industry in medicinal plant raw materials, in the cultivation of medicinal plants and production processes used in the system of primary processing and storage of medicinal plant materials and optimization of production processes, used in the system of primary processing and storage of medicinal plant raw materials and optimization of production processes, cultivation and primary processing of medicinal plants, storage of raw materials and management systems of enterprises and organizations for their primary processing.
60710400-Ecology and environmental protection (in areas and industries) - graduates of the direction of education -Ecology and environmental protection nature-man-society, habitat, populations and their management, organisms, ecosystems and their classification, food chain, trophic relationships.
The industry covers a complex of professional areas related to the sustainable development of the study of metabolism and energy in the biosphere, ecological functions of the biosphere and noosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere, soil degradation, freshwater problems, surface and groundwater pollution, biological resources, sustainable development, environmental education and culture, mechanisms of influence of factors of stability of organisms and ways of adaptation, environmental problems of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere of Uzbekistan, ecological situation in Uzbekistan.
There are the following specialties of the master's degree:
70710201-Biotechnology (by type of product)
70710402-Ecology (by branches and directions)
70812101-Technology of cultivation and processing of medicinal plants
70840501-Biotechnology of immunobiological preparations