Head of the Department
Ruziev Zoxidjon Egamberdievich 
Reception time: daily  (8:00 -16:00)
Phone: +99897 228 35 44 
E-mail: ruzievzohid6@gmail.com


Z.E..Ruziev was born in 1962, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. Graduated from the veterinary faculty of the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1984. Initially, after graduating from military service in 1984-1986, in 1986-1988 he worked as an epizootologist at the Navoi City Veterinary Station and deputy chief veterinarian of the Leninchi Chorvador state farm in the Sovetabad district. 1989-1994. He studied at the postgraduate course of the Uzbek Scientific Research Veterinary Institute named after Academician K.I. Scriabin and worked as a researcher. In 1994-2000 he worked as the head of the Navoi City Laboratory of Veterinary and Sanitary Examination, and in 2000-2005 - director of the Navoi Regional Veterinary Laboratory. In 2005-2006, he worked as the head of the feed additives warehouse of the Uzbek-American joint venture "Yangi Hayat Agro". In 2015-2017 - veterinarian of the Veterinary Department of Navoi region, in 2017-2019 - Head of the workshop of the limited liability Company "Umid Bunyodkor service", in 2019-2022 – assistant, senior lecturer and acting head of the department.
Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology. Z. Ruziev has published 2 manuals, 1 practical recommendation and more than 30 scientific articles. He was directly involved in the preparation of standard training programs in the areas of veterinary diagnostics and laboratory work, as well as veterinary and sanitary expertise.

Department: yesterday and today

The department was founded in 1929 under the name "Department of Epizootology, Microbiology, Virology and Veterinary Expertise", and then operated under other names. In 2018, after the formation of the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine, it was renamed the Department of Epizootology, Microbiology and Virology.
Scientists V.S.Zarubkinsky, K.P.Chepurov, I.I. Arkhangelsky, A.M.Akhmedov, Sh.T. worked at this department in different years.Rasulov, N.G.Shatokhin, H.K.Burkhanova, M.P.Parmanov held the positions of heads of departments. The scientists of the department have studied the measures of diagnosis, prevention and control of such infectious diseases of animals as colibacteriosis, salmonellosis, trichophytia, mastitis, and developed biologics against them.
After the establishment of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology in 2022, a new department “Epizootology and Infectious Diseases” was created on the basis of the department. Currently, Professor H.S. is working at this department.Salimov, Head of the Department, Ph.D. Z.E.Ruziev, Associate Professor A.A.Kambarov, Candidates of Sciences G.D.Sarukhanyan, T.K.Gaznakulov, assistants A.S.Allazov, O.I.Klychov, Sh.M.Abdullaev continue their activities. The average age of teachers of the department is 44 years. Scientific potential of 60%.
The department carries out certain work to provide the material and technical base of the educational process with modern equipment, equipment, reagents, protective equipment. An electronic database has been created on the platform, including educational and methodological complexes in all subjects, lecture texts, lesson passports of practical and laboratory classes and the organization of classes “online". In order to improve the quality of practical laboratory classes, educational and laboratory classrooms equipped with new imported instrumental equipment have been created. At the initiative of the assistant of the department, Allazov, a “vivarium” was created at the department, which contains laboratory animals (Rabbits, white mice, rats and guinea pigs) and is used for research purposes.
The department conducts research work on various topics, and also operates a scientific circle “Young epizootologist". The following disciplines are taught at the department: “Epizootology and infectious diseases“, ”Fundamentals of laboratory work“ and "Veterinary biosafety” for educational areas veterinary medicine (by type of activity), veterinary and sanitary expertise, veterinary pharmaceuticals, veterinary diagnostics and laboratory work, biotechnology. 
In the Master's degree in the following specialties: 70840501-veterinary microbiology, virology, epizootology, mycology and immunology, 70840502-infectious and parasitic diseases of animals lectures, practical and laboratory classes are held on the subjects “Epizootology of infectious diseases”, “Epizootology of viral diseases (virioses)”, “Especially dangerous infectious diseases".
The Department of Epizootology and Infectious Diseases teaches veterinary sciences in 5 areas of study, as well as in 2 master's degree specialities. To date, the staff of the department includes 1 professor, 2 associate professors, 3 candidates of sciences, 3 assistants, 0.5 veterinary resident and 2 laboratory assistants.
In total, the department has 6 specially equipped classrooms for lectures, practical and laboratory classes. One computer room is equipped with 11 computers.
In 2020, a training laboratory of veterinary microbiology, virology and immunology was established, equipped with modern equipment.
Students' training and production practices are conducted in regional veterinary and animal husbandry development departments, state diagnostic centers for animal diseases and food safety, district livestock and veterinary points, advanced farms and livestock farms, as well as in the Veterinary Research Institute on the basis of cooperation agreements.
The research work is carried out jointly with a number of higher educational institutions and research institutes of Uzbekistan “Samarkand State University”, “Tashkent State Agrarian University”, “Samarkand State Medical University”, “Andijan Agricultural Institute”, “Veterinary Research Institute”, “Virology Research Institute".
The department cooperates with such foreign universities as the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after K.I.Scriabin, St. Petersburg State Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after E.Bauman, Kazan Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Almaty Veterinary Institute, Institutes of Veterinary Medicine of Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kazakh National Agrarian Research University and the Vitebsk State Order "Badge of Honor" Academy of Veterinary Medicine of the Republic of Belarus.
The promotion of positive changes and development taking place in our independent republic is the main goal of the department's team. The department's team does not spare its knowledge and experience in educating young people with intellectual potential, able to think and reason independently on the basis of modern scientific achievements, as well as in training competitive, highly qualified mature personnel.
List of teachers of the department

Full name



 Ruziev Zohijon


Fundamentals of laboratory work, Epizootology of viral diseases


Salimov Hamit Salimovich

Epizootology and infectious diseases


Ilgekbayeva Gulnaz Duisekovna

Epizootology and infectious diseases (English)


Kambarov Abdurauf Abdurasulovich

Epizootology and infectious diseases Especially dangerous diseases


Sarukhanyan Garik Danielovich

Epizootology and infectious diseases Mycology with mycotoxicology


Gaznakulov Tozhimurot Klimovich

Veterinary biosafety


Abdullaev Shukhrat

Epizootology and infectious diseases


Allazov Anvar

Epizootology and infectious diseases


Klitschov Odil

Epizootology and infectious diseases


Subjects taught at the department
Bachelor course 
* * Fundamentals of laboratory business
* Epizootology and infectious diseases
* Epizootology
* Veterinary biosafety
* * Epizootology of viral infectious diseases (virtuosos)
* Epizootology of infectious diseases
* Especially dangerous infectious diseases