What is the future of humanity?
Will climate change and unwise use of natural resources lead to the decline of human society?
It is not for nothing that such questions bother everyone in the world today. It doesn't matter what region or nationality it is.
Today we are living in a time of heightened global environmental problems - Experts emphasize the need to introduce the principles of "green development" in the world economy in order to correct the situation.
According to the speakers, "Green economy" is a holistic system, the main goal of which is to develop all spheres of the economy while preserving the ecology of our planet. "Green economy" means an economy based on the further development of the economy related to the production and service sectors while preserving the resources necessary for human life and health, the environment and ecology as a whole. a new direction of activity is understood.
A scientific-practical seminar was held at the university on the topic "Uzbekistan's strategy of transition to a green economy and its importance". The importance of this international strategy, the current situation in our country and our region, as well as the work to be done at the event in cooperation with the Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology University, the Regional Department of Ecology and Environmental Protection, and the Regional Council of the Ecological Party of Uzbekistan was in the center of discussion. The work of the seminar was opened by the rector of the university, professor Yunusov, and he shared his thoughts on the impact of environmental problems on human life.
The work on the development of the green economy in Uzbekistan was launched in October 2019, after the adoption of the "Strategy of the transition to the "green" economy of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period 2019-2030", on the eve of the COVID-19 pandemic. This strategy envisages reducing greenhouse gas emissions by increasing energy efficiency, expanding the use of renewable energy sources, increasing resource efficiency and crop productivity, and reducing land degradation.
Within the framework of the "Green Space" program this year, 27 types of 10 mln. More than a bushel of ornamental and fruit trees were planted. T. Hoshimov, Head of the Department of Atmospheric Air Protection of the Regional Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Kazakhstan, said about this in his report on the effect of the works implemented in the region under the "Green Economy" and "Green Space" programs on climate moderation. gave information. In addition, the seminar included topical lectures on "Strategy of transition to green economy and its importance", "Green Space" project and current environmental issues, "Problems of preserving forest ecosystems along the Zarafshan River".
Information service