A group of scientists and graduate students of the university (Department heads: N. Roziqulov, N. Dilmurodov, N. Khalilov, Sh. Ishniyazova, associate professors: S. Sattorov, Z. Normurodova, U. Rakhmanov, graduate students: B. Zayniddinov, U. Shakilov) On March 14-18, 2023, they returned from a business trip to the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. The main purpose of the service trip is to participate in the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Sayduldin Tleuberdi, an academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor Sayduldin Tleuberdi at the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University on the topic "Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya veterinarii i jivotnovodstva v Respublike Kazakhstan", as well as In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in the decision of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated March 31, 2022 "On the radical improvement of the personnel training system in the field of veterinary and animal husbandry No. PQ-187" preparation, creation of new generation educational and methodical literature, conducting scientific research, publishing co-authored articles, involving professors and teachers with scientific potential in the university education process related to attraction. Brief information about the Kazakh National Agrarian Research University. The university was founded in 1929 and is considered one of the leading higher education institutions in Kazakhstan for agricultural education and science. The university is ranked 481st in the QS World University Ranking and is among the Top-500 universities. The university offers 43 bachelor's degrees, 2 specialized higher education, 43 master's degrees and 17 doctoral degrees (agricultural sciences; veterinary medicine; services; education; law; social sciences, economics and business; natural sciences; technical sciences and technologies). training programs are being implemented. On the first day of the visit, university scientists and graduate students took part in the plenary session of the international scientific-practical conference dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Sayduldin Tleuberdi, academician of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of veterinary sciences, professor "Sostoyanie i perspektivy razvitiya veterinarii i jivotnovodstva v Respublike Kazakhstan" arrived, listened to presentations on the current state of veterinary and animal husbandry in the Republic of Kazakhstan and the prospects for its development, and participated in their discussion. During the event, current problems in the field of veterinary and animal husbandry, as well as current issues aimed at the effective use of scientifically based developments in the development and improvement of production in these areas were discussed. In the second half of the day, this international scientific-practical conference continued its work. Scientists and graduate students of our university gave presentations on the following topics: - N. Roziqulov - on "Etiology and pathogenesis of ketonuria in karakul sheep"; - N. Dilmurodov - on the topic "Izmenenie biokhimicheskih pokazateley krovi pri gonoynom pododermatite produktivnyx korov"; - Z. Normurodova - on the topic "Osobennosti izmeneniya morphometricheskikh pokazateley kostey metapodiya ovets raznyx prirodnyx usloviy"; - Sh. Ishniyazova - on the topic "Opredelenie kachestvennyx pokazateley moloka po pishchevoy bezopasnosti"; - N. Khalilov - on the topic "Vliyanie inolyantov na rost, razvitie i urojaynost soi"; - S. Sattarov - on the topic "Effectiveness of the use of breeding breeds of sheep and goats in Uzbekistan". - B. Zayniddinov - on the topic "Surgical method treatment of vaginal hyperplasia and prolapse of female dogs". There was a lively question-and-answer session and a detailed discussion of the lectures. During the visit, all professors and teachers of our university gave lectures on their subjects to the students of KazMATU. Also, the university delegation met with KazMATU's vice-rector for scientific affairs and international relations, professor Islamov Yesenbay Israilovich, and discussed the importance of further expanding mutual cooperation between the two partner higher education institutions, organizing lectures on relevant subjects. expressed opinions on increasing, establishing student exchange and faculty mobility, creating new generation literature in cooperation, conducting scientific research, publishing articles, and opening joint educational programs .