Heads of the university department Sh. Ishniyazova and N. Ruzikulov returned from a business trip to the Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technologies of the Republic of Latvia from November 28 to December 2, 2022.The main purpose of the service trip is to participate in the seminar-training “International Week” organized at the Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technologies, as well as the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan's March 31, 2022 “On the fundamental improvement of the personnel training system in the field of veterinary and animal husbandry” In order to ensure the implementation of the tasks defined in the decision PQ-187. , related to the creation of new generation educational and methodological literature, conducting scientific research, publishing co-authored articles, attracting professors and teachers with scientific potential to the university educational process.This “International Week” event was hosted by the Latvian University of Natural Sciences and Technologies (LBTU). At this international event, seven universities and institutes (Samarkand State Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology University, Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology, Bukhara Institute of Engineering and Technology, Moldova Technical University, Georgia-American University and Akaki Tsereteli Kutaisi State university) rectors, vice-rectors, deans, heads of departments, heads of the international cooperation department and professors took part.The rector of the university, Professor Irina Pilvere, spoke at the event, introduced the participants to the current issues in higher education and noted that amendments were made to the Law “On Higher Education”, which specifies that LBTU is a scientific university. He also detailed the university's structure, faculties, participation in international rankings, and the work being done on the new university strategy for 2023-2027.In addition, the university's scientific journals, annual international conferences, projects implemented using digital solutions, such as a robotic weed control device, the creation of a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission calculator, and other research, especially achievements in science were specially emphasized.During the visit, a plan of a number of activities to further strengthen cooperation between the parties was determined. In particular, issues of attracting students to the summer school, Erasmus mobility opportunities for students and professors, as well as joint implementation of new joint educational programs were discussed.In addition, the scientists of our university visited the "Agriculture" faculty and got acquainted with the working processes of the faculty. After that, a meeting was held with the dean of the faculty, professor Dase Klava, the director of the Animal Husbandry Institute, professor Diana, and the head of the department for joint programs, Janis Kanepslar.At the meeting, the draft agreement on the establishment of the "Sustainable Agriculture" undergraduate education program between the two partner universities on the basis of the 1+2 joint educational program from the 2023-2024 academic year was presented by the participants. was discussed in detail.During the discussion, the parties expressed their views, including the reduction of the fee-contract amount of the students studying in the joint education program by the management of the host university up to 30% and 500 euros for students studying with good and excellent grades. they noted separately that the scholarship is planned.In addition, it was mutually agreed upon to send professors and teachers of the institutions for lectures and internships, and to further expand the scope of collaborative scientific and research work.In addition to participating in the international event, the scientists of our university gave lectures to students on “Food quality” and “Internal non-infectious diseases”.