Since 1997, October 1 has been celebrated in our country as Teacher's and Mentor's Day. SamDVMCHU "You are always in my honor, dear teachers!" in the "Palace of Culture" The event, held under the slogan "Dear Mentors", paid tribute to honorary teachers and current professors and lecturers of the university.

    The rector of the university, professor Khudainazar Yunusov, congratulated all participants on the great holiday - October 1 - Teacher's and Mentor's Day.

- It is clear that glorifying the work of teachers and mentors leads a person to perfection, happiness and bright prospects. Today, priority is being given to reforms in the education system in our country. This, of course, is the basis for the worthy appreciation of the work of all professors, teachers, educators and mentors who work selflessly in educational institutions, - said the rector Khudainazar Yunusov. - Therefore, it is both a duty and a duty for each of us to approach our profession with devotion and convey the advanced achievements of science and the values ​​and invaluable heritage of our people to our younger generations. May everyone be successful in their scientific, pedagogical and research activities on this path.

     Also, the Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor Bahrom Norqobilov attended the event and congratulated all professors and teachers on the holiday.

- There are many professions in this world. But humanity calls the most honorable of them Teaching, mentoring and coaching. Because when we say Teacher, each of us certainly imagines a sincere, spiritually rich, morally pure, humble person - a teacher, - said Bahrom Norqobilov. - Raising a new generation capable of taking responsibility for the fate and future of our homeland requires all of you to work with great effort, determination and determination. I wish you great success in your honorable work, in training veterinary specialists who play an important role in providing our people with quality food.

During the festive event, a group of professors and teachers of the university received high awards and recognitions from the Ministry of Higher Education and Innovation, the Committee for the Development of Veterinary Medicine and Livestock, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic, as well as the “Honorary Badge” and “Letter of Appreciation” from the university rector.

During the event, the awards were solemnly presented to the winners, and soulful songs were performed by creative students of the university.