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Aminov Suhrob Davlatbek o'g'li

Clerk of the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research areas

* Veterinary
* Morphology of animals.
* Biotechnology of animal reproduction.
Personal data
Aminov Sukhrob was born on November 21, 2004 in the Tortkul district of the Republic of Karakalpakstan. In 2022, Sukhrob Aminov was accepted into the 1st year of the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment at the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology. He took the honorable third place in the discipline “animal morphology” at the Republican Subject Olympiad among students of higher educational institutions under the Committee of 2024, Chairman of the Committee for the Development of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Husbandry of the Republic of Uzbekistan B.T.Norkobilov was awarded a Diploma of the III degree and a certificate of honor. He took the second place in the nomination "The most active creative Student of the Year" of the Republican contest "The most active student of the Year" among students of higher educational institutions in 2024.
Job responsibilities
The duties of the service include:
* Provision of educational and methodological management; documentation on nomenclature
• Preparation, execution in accordance with the established procedure and organization of sending orders, draft decisions, official letters and similar documents related to the activities of the educational and methodological department to the relevant organizations;
* Maintaining a special book about citizens who applied to the educational and methodological department;
* Organization of accounting of documents submitted to the educational and methodological department;
• Timely communication to the head of assignments and documents received from other departments of the university;
* Receiving and sending telephone messages, modems;
* Preparation of minutes of meetings;
• Printing, reproduction and registration of documents related to educational and methodical management;
* Compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules and maintaining the cleanliness of the room in which he works.
Must know:
• Knowledge of internal labor regulations, rules and criteria for occupational safety, safety, industrial sanitation, as well as fire protection, regulations and instructions for record keeping.
Qualification requirements:
• Combine computer work, writing, spelling and punctuation rules, the order of material placement when printing various documents, the rules for printing business letters using sample forms;
* It is necessary to have secondary specialized education.
Labor activity
• From October 2022 to the present, he has been a student at the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology
• From October 2022 to the present, he has been a lecturer at the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.