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Kambarov Abdurauf Abdurasulovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Areas of research

• Veterinary

• Epidemiology, virology, immunology

Personal information

      Kambarov Abdurauf graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1973. About 150 scientific works were published in various sources based on the results of scientific research. He published 3 textbooks, 3 training manuals, 2 monographs on epizootology and infectious diseases. He developed 9 recommendations and instructions for use in livestock farms. The following patents were issued for two methodological scientific research works: "Thin layer chromatography of glucocorticoids", "Qualitative and quantitative determination of glucocorticoids in the blood of Karakul sheep". He was the first to solve the scientific problem of the role, significance, and share of humoral immunity in coli-infectious diseases and to experimentally determine the qualitative and quantitative dynamics of glucocorticoid hormones on the "Sulifol" plate, and to study the factors ensuring the stability of the immune system in theoretical and practical experimental experiments, an outstanding scientist in his field.

     Currently, in conjunction with the reforms being carried out in our Republic, the development of the scientific and innovative activities of the department and faculty is taking place, including involving young students in scientific research, increasing the efficiency of scientific circles, and increasing the scale of republican and international projects.