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Dilmurodov Nasriddin Babakulovich

Head of the Department of Animal Anatomy, Histology and Pathological Anatomy, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences (DSc), Professor

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research areas

• Veterinary science

• Animal pathology, oncology and morphology.Shaxsiy ma’lumotlar

Personal information

Work experience is 41 years. Has been working in this position since 2016. Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor.

In 2011, he successfully defended his doctoral dissertation (DSc) on the topic: "Postnatal ontogenesis of sheep autopodium bones in various environmental conditions of Uzbekistan".

N. Dilmurodov is the author of more than 250 scientific and methodological works. Including, 7 textbooks, 4 educational, 4 methodological manuals, 3 monographs, 8 methodological recommendations have been published, he actively participates in a number of domestic and foreign conferences.

N. Dilmurodov has undergone advanced training at prestigious universities in the UK, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Cyprus, Slovakia, the USA, Nepal and the Russian Federation. Since 2014, he has worked as a head of a working group in the international projects UZHELTH of the Tempus program of the European Union, BUZNET of the Erasmus+ program, SPHERA. He makes a great contribution to the work on increasing the international authority of the university, strengthening the material and technical base, interstate exchange of experience of students and faculty.

Due to international projects, Dilmurodov purchased modern diagnostic equipment worth 350 million soums and a computer class worth 100 million soums, which are effectively used in educational and research work. Based on the experience of foreign universities, he prepared regulatory documentation for a new master's specialty and took direct part in the opening of the master's specialty "Veterinary supervision in emergency situations and public health."

Under Dilmurodov's scientific supervision, 1 doctoral (DSc), 7 doctoral (PhD) and 5 master's theses were successfully defended. To date, he supervises 2 basic doctoral students and 5 independent researchers.

Since 2012, N.Dilmurodov has been actively involved in the discussion of dissertations as a member of the Academic Council of the Higher Attestation Commission under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan for awarding academic degrees. He was also an official opponent of 5 doctoral dissertations (DSc).

In 2016, N. Dilmurodov was awarded an honorary diploma of the winner of the Republican competition "Best Teacher of the Higher Educational Institution" in the nomination "Best Teacher Using Innovations and Information Technologies". In 2018, he became a scholarship holder of the El-Yurt Umidi Foundation competition under the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, and underwent a month-long advanced training course at the Bryansk State Agrarian University of the Russian Federation. He was awarded the badges "Excellent Higher Education" of the Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation of the Republic of Uzbekistan and "Veterinary Dedicated" of the Veterinary and Livestock Development Committee.