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Nasimov Shuxratjon Naimovich

Associate Professor of the Department of Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur-Bearing Animals

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research Areas

  • Veterinary parasitology, pharmaceuticals, microbiology.
  • Development of probiotics to improve the quality of poultry products and prevent diseases.

Personal Information

  • Shukhrat Nasimov graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1987 and pursued postgraduate studies at the same institute from 1987 to 1990.
  • In 1991, he earned the academic degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences in the specialty 03.00.20 – "Helminthology," and in 2022, he received the academic title of Associate Professor.
  • Based on his research, he has published over 90 scientific articles, 2 textbooks, 5 recommendations, 1 methodological manual, and is the author of 3 patents.
  • He has supervised one candidate dissertation, is currently supervising one PhD dissertation, and has mentored 8 master's theses and 7 bachelor's degree projects.
  • He actively participates in the development of the scientific and innovative activities of the department and faculty, engages students in research, improves the effectiveness of scientific clubs, and expands the scope of national and international grant projects within the framework of ongoing reforms in the Republic.

Job Responsibilities

  • Conduct laboratory, practical, and other types of classes at a high theoretical, scientific-methodological, and professional level in accordance with the curricula of higher education.
  • Supervise students' internships, course projects (works), and independent studies.
  • Assess students' knowledge through examinations and other evaluation methods.
  • Organize extracurricular activities for students.
  • Train highly qualified personnel who meet the high moral and ethical standards of developed democratic countries.
  • Develop textbooks, educational and methodological manuals, and prepare expert reviews for textbooks and manuals, including those created in collaboration with foreign scholars.
  • Participate in the preparation of necessary educational materials at the request of private educational institutions.
  • Work with talented students, preparing them for competitions and contests, and improve the forms and methods of their independent preparation.
  • Conduct scientific research in accordance with approved plans, discuss completed research, implement their results in practice, and recommend completed works for publication.
  • Ensure effective integration of education, science, and production, and supervise students' research activities.
  • Study, summarize, and disseminate the experiences of seasoned educators and introduce new pedagogical technologies.
  • Assist new educators in mastering pedagogical skills.
  • Use modern teaching aids and individualized teaching methods in the classroom.

Knowledge Requirements

  • Knowledge of legislative acts, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions of the Ministry Board, orders of the Ministry, orders of the university rector, as well as the annual and long-term plans of the department.

Qualification Requirements

  • Professional and organizational skills, experience and qualifications in the field of education, as well as relevant knowledge and skills within the scope of their activities.
  • A higher education degree.
  • Personal qualities such as intelligence, culture, creativity, communication skills, initiative, a sense of responsibility, the ability to make independent decisions, determination, and the capability to achieve the strategic goals of the university.

Work Experience

1982–1987 – Student at Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

1987–1990 – Postgraduate student at Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

1990–1994 – Assistant at the Department of Parasitology, Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

1994–1997 – Doctoral candidate at the Department of Parasitology, Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

1997–1999 – Assistant at the Department of Parasitology, Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

1997–2003 – Head of the Scientific and Production Laboratory at the Department of Parasitology, Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

2003–2016 – Director and General Director of the joint venture "Uzbiokombinat."

2016–2018 – Assistant at the Department of Infectious and Invasive Diseases of Animals, Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

2018–2023 – Head of the Department of "Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur-Bearing Animals" at Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnology.

2023 – Present – Associate Professor of the Department of "Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur-Bearing Animals" at Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnology, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences.