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Mamatova Zamira Baratovna

Head of Department

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research Areas
• Diagnosis of brucellosis.
• Development of probiotics to improve the quality of poultry products.

Personal Information

     Mamatova Zamira Baratovna graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1982. In 1986, she earned the academic degree of Candidate of Veterinary Sciences at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine in Moscow, specializing in 16.00.03 – "Veterinary Microbiology, Virology, Mycology, Immunology, and Epizootology."

From 1986 to 1989, she worked as a junior researcher at the Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine. She later held positions as an assistant and senior lecturer at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute. Subsequently, she served as a meter-assistant at the Dalaba Institute of Veterinary Medicine (Dalaba IMV, Guinea, Africa). Currently, she is the Head of the Department of Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur Animals, and an Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnology.

Job Responsibilities

• Conducting laboratory, practical, and other types of classes for all forms of education (full-time and part-time) at a high theoretical, scientific, methodological, and professional level, in accordance with state educational standards and curricula of higher education.
• Supervising students’ professional practice, course projects (works), and independent studies.
• Implementing a rating system for assessing students’ knowledge.
• Organizing extracurricular activities for students.
• Preparing highly qualified personnel who meet the high moral and ethical standards of developed democratic states.
• Developing textbooks, educational, methodological, and visual aids, as well as reviewing educational and methodological materials, including joint works with foreign scientists, as assigned by the university rectorate.
• Participating in the preparation of necessary educational and methodological materials for non-state educational institutions.
• Working with gifted students, preparing them for Olympiads and competitions, including the competitions of the "Iste'dod" Foundation, improving the forms and methods of students' independent study, and increasing the volume of independent study by optimizing classroom activities.
• Conducting research activities in accordance with the approved plan, discussing completed studies, and implementing their results in production; preparing completed scientific works for publication.
• Ensuring effective integration of education, science, and production; supervising students' research work.
• Studying, summarizing, and disseminating the experience of skilled teachers; introducing new pedagogical technologies.
• Assisting novice teachers in mastering pedagogical skills, creating an information base, and using modern teaching aids and tools for independent education.

Must Know:
• Laws, resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers, decisions of the Ministry’s board, orders, directives of the rector, and the content of annual and prospective plans of the department.

Qualification Requirements:
• Professional and organizational skills, necessary work experience and background in education, as well as relevant knowledge and skills in the field of activity.
• A higher education degree.

•Exemplary personal qualities: intelligence, culture, creativity, politeness, initiative, responsibility, the ability to make independent decisions, determination, and the capability to take active measures to achieve the strategic goals of the universitetion’s.

Work Experience

1982 – Senior Laboratory Assistant in the "Study of Poultry Diseases" Laboratory at the Uzbek Scientific Research Institute.

1982–1986 – Postgraduate Student at the All-Union Institute of Experimental Veterinary Medicine (VIEV), Moscow.

1986–1989 – Junior Researcher in the "Study of Brucellosis in Agricultural Animals" Laboratory at the Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine.

1989–2004 – Assistant at the Department of "Microbiology, Virology, and Epizootology of Agricultural Animals" at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

2004–2005 – Acting Associate Professor at the Department of "Microbiology, Virology, and Epizootology of Agricultural Animals" at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

2005–2006 – Senior Lecturer at the Department of "Microbiology, Virology, and Epizootology of Agricultural Animals" at the Samarkand Agricultural Institute.

2006–2009 – Meter-Assistant at the Department of Microbiology at the Dalaba Institute of Veterinary Medicine (Dalaba IMV, Guinea, Africa).

2009–2012 – Assistant at the Department of Microbiology at the Samarkand State Medical Institute.

2018–2020 – Assistant at the Department of "Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur Animals" at the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment at the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine.

2022–2023 – Acting Associate Professor at the Department of "Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur Animals" at the Faculty of Veterinary Prevention and Treatment at the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnology.

2023 – Present – Head of the Department of "Diseases of Poultry, Fish, Bees, and Fur Animals," Associate Professor at the Faculty of Veterinary Diagnostics and Food Safety at the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock, and Biotechnology.


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