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Aliyev Dilmurod

Head of Department

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research areas                                                                                                              

  • Biology
  • Microbiology, Virology and immunology

Personal information

  • Aliev Dilmurod graduated from Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1994. In 2021, he received the degree of Doctor of Biological Sciences in the specialty 03.00.08 – "Human and animal Physiology".

Officials responsibilities

  • Compliance with labor discipline, timely and high-quality execution of orders and instructions of the employer in accordance with the law.
  • Treat the institution's property with care and use it wisely
  • Be polite when communicating with the establishment's staff and other people, and observe the dress code.
  • Participation in the discussion and resolution of issues related to the activities of the department at the institutional level.
  • Approval of the department's work plan, personal work plans of professors and staff, as well as other documents within the framework of the department's activities
  • Distribution of the teaching load between the faculty of the department, as well as monitoring its timely and high-quality implementation.
  • Ensure the recruitment of teaching staff to the department on a competitive basis, motivate them financially and morally, and also submit proposals to the management of Higher Education Institutions on the application of disciplinary measures in accordance with the established procedure.
  • Preparation of the department's report on activities for the academic year in accordance with the established procedure and deadlines, and presentation of the report at council meetings.
  • Conduct research and development work in accordance with the approved plan, ensure the integration of completed research and development work with education, science and production.
  • Consideration of educational, scientific-methodical, scientific-research, spiritual-educational and organizational-methodical works of the department's teachers in personal work plans, organization of works aimed at studying and generalizing the activities of experienced teachers, popularization of their best practices.
  • Implementation of modern pedagogical and information and communication technologies, assistance to young teachers who have begun to engage in pedagogical activity in acquiring pedagogical skills and abilities, creation of an information base, establishment of effective use of modern educational and technical means, individual teaching methods and independent learning in classes, making proposals for organizing training in special classrooms equipped with modern computer equipment, distance learning development of elements of training .
  • Training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, discussion of candidate and doctoral dissertations at scientific seminars in the department’s specialty or related specializations, participation in expert groups to determine the compliance of educational documents with standard requirements.
  • Establishing contacts with manufacturing enterprises and other businesses with the aim of sending graduates to work, formulating topics for final qualification papers, master's dissertations, attracting funds outside the budget, and providing scientific and technical support.
  • Organization of regular communication with the university and research trainees of this department, monitoring of graduates.
  • Conducting events aimed at improving the qualifications of specialists in the department’s specialty and developing a system for providing educational services.
  • Taking into account the interests of students, organizing clubs in various subjects, areas and specializations, types of professions, holding events aimed at occupying students’ free time with productive and useful work in small enterprises.
  • To ensure full and high-quality laboratory work on the subjects taught at the department and to attract sponsors to equip the department’s laboratories with modern equipment and devices.
  • Conscientious performance of one's official duties.

Labor activity

1985-1985 yy. – workers of the Progress state farm, Samarkand region, Pastdargom district

1986-1988 yy. – military service. Field mail in/h. 34146

1988-1994 yy. – Student, Samarkand Agricultural Institute

1994-1995 yy.– Junior Researcher, Zoo Hygiene Laboratory, Tailak district

1995-1998 yy. – Postgraduate student, Uzbek Scientific Research Institute of Karakul Breeding

1998-2003 yy. – Resident Physician, Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases,

                           Samarkand Agricultural Institute

2003-2015 yy. – Assistant Professor at the Department of Parasitology and Animal Diseases,

                       Samarkand State Medical University Agricultural Institute

2016-2018 yy. – Doctoral student at the Scientific Research Institute of Karakul Breeding 

2018-2019 yy.– Senior Researcher at the Scientific Research Institute karakul breeding 

2019-2020 yy.- Assistant Professor at the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics,

                         Samarkand State Medical University State Medical Institute

2020-2021 yy.– Head of the Department of Medical Biology and Genetics, Samarkand State

                         Medical University State Medical University

2021-2022 yy – Head of the Department of Scientific Research, Innovation and Training of

                     Scientific personnel Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal

                     Husbandry and Biotechnology

2022 y.–       Head of the Department of Microbiology, Virology and Immunology Samarkand

                  State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology