The Department of Parasitology was established by the order of the rector of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology No. 9 dated January 11, 2025 “On approval of the organizational structure of the University with amendments and additions” (on the basis of the former Department of “Organization of Parasitology and Veterinary Work”).
At different times, the department was headed by Professor N.V. Badanin, Academician I.Kh. Ergashev, Associate Professor T.A. Abdurakhmonov, Professor R.B. Davlatov, Professor A.S. Daminov, Associate Professor T.I. Taylakov, Associate Professor Sh.Kh. Kurbanov, and is currently headed by Professor A.S. Daminov.
The department was headed by Honored Scientist of Uzbekistan, Academician of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Veterinary Sciences, Professor I.Kh. Irgashev (1965-2004) for many years. Under the leadership of the scientist, the helminth fauna was studied in various zones of the republic, measures were developed to prevent a number of parasitic and helminthic diseases of livestock. He trained about 10 doctors of sciences and more than 50 candidates of sciences, and the School of Veterinary Parasitologists and Helminthologists of Uzbekistan was created. Also, Professor B.S. Salimov, who worked at this department (2004-2022), created the scientific school "Zooparasitologists", and under his leadership, 3 doctors of sciences and about 20 candidates of sciences were trained.
The department has published 10 textbooks, 9 manuals, more than 500 scientific articles and 25 scientific recommendations in the last 5 years. Also, 13 Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) dissertations were defended in 2020-2025. Corporate relations with more than 10 farms and enterprises in our republic, as well as scientific relations with the Scriabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology, Vitebsk State Academy of Veterinary Medicine, Kazan State Veterinary Academy, Kazakhstan National Agrarian University, Veterinary Research Institute, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Samarkand State University and Samarkand State Medical University have been established.
Currently, the department employs 3 doctors of science (A.S.Daminov, T.I.Taylakov, A.A.Safarov), professors, 1 candidate of science, associate professor (Sh.Kh.Kurbanov), 2 PhD assistants (K.Kh.Urakov, O.B.Abdunabiyev), 4 assistants without a scientific degree (A.R.Tursunkulov, G.G.Jabborov, I.Kh.Rayimkulov, A.M.Eshqorayev), 1 laboratory head (V.Karshiyeva), 1 laboratory assistant (G.Jurakulova).
In order to continuously improve the scientific, pedagogical, and creative skills of the department's professors and teachers, to form deep theoretical knowledge, practical and professional skills in students, to arouse interest in science, to instill in them national and universal values, to train comprehensively qualified specialists, to effectively conduct spiritual and educational work with students, to strengthen their ideological immunity, to cultivate high moral qualities, and to improve the system of individual work with students, students and young people are assigned as "Teacher-disciple".
The main goal of spiritual and educational work is aimed at creating a healthy lifestyle in the lives of young people, and over the past 5 years, along with other spiritual and educational activities, the works of our Honorable President Sh.M. Mirziyoyev have been widely studied among students, young people, and professors and teachers.
The department offers a master's degree in the specialty 70840303-Parasitic and Infectious Diseases of Animals and a doctoral degree in the specialty 03.00.06-Zoology (veterinary sciences), and training of scientific and pedagogical personnel has been established.
Associate Professor of the Department of Parasitology, independent researcher..
Associate Professor of the Department of Parasitology, independent researcher..
Assistant Professor of the Departmen tof Parasitology.
Head of the Department of Master's Degree, Doctor of Philosophy of Veterinary Science (PhD),.
Docent of the Department of Parasitology, Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Docent.