Vice-rector for educational work
Elmurodov Abdugani Aktamovich

Office hours:Mondays, Fridays from 15:00 to 17:00.



-Organization of implementation of laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Decrees and Orders of the President, resolutions of the Oliy Majlis and the Cabinet of Ministers in the field of education and training;
-Providing educational, scientific, financial and spiritual education and training of qualified personnel on the basis of state educational standards;
-To ensure that all deans and departments, heads of departments and pedagogical staff know the complex of requirements for the content and level of preparation in accordance with state educational standards;
-Organizing the execution of orders of the Academic Council and orders of the rector on the issues of the orders, decrees and instructions of the relevant higher education institutions, the issues of the educational process;
-Developing and promoting the methods and tools for the implementation of the objectives of the education system development trends in advanced countries, the Law on Education, the National Training Program and other relevant legislation;
-Organization and effective use of advanced forms of teaching and learning, including distance learning, new pedagogical and information and communication technologies;
Preparation of proposals and organization of business proposals;
-Coordination, organization and control of the departments, dean's offices providing educational process;
-Approval of work plans of departments, faculties and departments and control over their implementation;
-To improve the quality of the lessons, to monitor and ensure the fulfillment of the personal plans of the faculty;
-Guidance on the organization of educational and scientific conferences, university methodological councils and pedagogical skills, generalization of advanced methodological experience;
-Carrying out general management of the library fund fundraising of educational and methodical and scientific materials, including the process of preparing and publishing by the staff of the magazines and scientific papers, as well as teaching-methodical and scientific-periodicals on all directions of the university's academic and scientific activity ;
-Managing the process of searching, selecting and assisting talented young people, managing the process of preparing scholarship winners among students and trainee researchers by the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Navoi, Beruni, Ulughbek, Zulfiya and others;
-Development of proposals on the staff of professorial-teaching staff and assisting in educational work, organization of work of departments, departments with qualified personnel;
-To recruit vacant positions, to prepare proposals for employment of intern-researcher-researchers and masters, to develop and implement plans for improvement and professional development of professors and teachers;
-Effective use of learning rooms, development of issues of improving the technical equipment of audiences and laboratories;
-Preventing employees who have violated the discipline, making recommendations on termination of the contract with them;
-Preparation of proposals for the organization of faculties, chairs in cooperation with the related higher education institutions of the foreign countries to improve the content of education, to provide training of specialist staff on the international level;
-Reporting, analysis and conclusions of annual activities of departments, faculties and departments, implementation of modern methods of teaching-methodical activity of teaching staff;
-Cooperate with higher education institutions in academic and methodological areas, ensure active participation of professors and lecturers at conferences, seminars, and collaborate with local authorities;
-Establishment of the annual rating of the higher education institution in accordance with the established procedure, the analysis and improvement of activities.