Participation procedure:
To participate in the conference, an article, a participant questionnaire, must be sent to the e-mail or to the telegram Musurmon Sattarov at +998(94)-282-30-90 by April 1, 2024 (including the same day).
File names must be named with the surname of the first author and the affiliation number (for example: A. Yuldashev - article-2, A. Yuldashev - questionnaire). Within 2 working days after sending the article, information about the acceptance of the article will be sent to the e-mail address to which the conference materials were sent and to the phone number of the author of the article. Articles that have not been formalized to the required level and have not passed a positive review WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.
The articles will be published as a special issue of the journal “VETERINARY MEDICINE”, which is included in the list of the UAC. The fee for the article is 100,000 (one hundred thousand) soums. Payment can be made via the following plastic cards:
Humo 9860 0101 2526 9596 (Khaydarov Obid).
The authors of the accepted articles are expected to participate in the conference with their reports offline/online at the time specified in the “Conference Program” according to the branches.
The collection of conference results is an official publication with ISSN indexes. The collection will also be posted on the website of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology ( within 20 days after the end of the conference. Participants of the conference will be provided with an electronic certificate approved by the Organizing Committee of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.
Relevance. The article must be written on a current topic and contain the results of independent research, and must not have been previously published or submitted to other publications.
Responsibility and accountability. The author is responsible for the content of the article.
It is recommended that the article be no more than 5 pages.
Requirements for formalization: Page format - A4 (210×297 mm); Margins (top, bottom, left and right sides) - 20 mm; Font - kegel 14; type - Times New Roman; Line spacing - 1.5; Pages are not numbered. Text originality -65%.
The order of the article is as follows:
1. Authors' surnames, names and patronymics (based on transliteration in Uzbek, Russian and English).
2. Academic degree and title, place of work or study, city (in Uzbek, Russian and English).
3. Author's e-mail.
4. Title of the article (in Uzbek, Russian and English).
5. Abstract (100-150 characters) (in Uzbek, Russian and English).
6. Keywords (5-7 words) (in Uzbek, Russian and English).
7. Article text.
8. List of references.
When translating the title of the article, annotation and keywords into Russian and English, it is not allowed to use translators such as Google Translate, Yandex Translator, PROMT.
Abstract. A brief summary of the article, including its relevance, purpose, research methods and results.
Keywords: the most important words in the article that most accurately describe the topic and area of research.
Figures and tables should be numbered, the names of tables should be centered above the table, and the names of figures should be centered below the figure.
References are drawn up in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5-2008 under the heading “List of used literature:”. The number of the literature listed in the text is indicated in square brackets. For example: [2,1,4].