As dear and honorable as the homeland from which the umbilical cord blood dripped, and the parents who brought a person into the world and raised him, is, the mother tongue, which determines his identity and spiritual world, is equally valuable and authoritative.
Today we celebrate the 35th anniversary of the granting of the status of the State language to our mother tongue. I would not be mistaken if we say that showing respect and honor to our language is manifested not only in the worthy celebration of this day, but also in the polishing of the language, in contributing to the transmission of the pure Uzbek language to our generations.
May the stature and value of our mother tongue be high! May its unquenchable light always illuminate our minds, thoughts, and hearts!
I sincerely congratulate all our compatriots on the Uzbek Language Day!
Khudaynazar Yunusov,
Rector, Professor, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.