My mother tongue , live forever!

This year marks 34 years since the Uzbek language was granted the status of the State Language. Over the past period, attention to the language has been increased, and work is conducted in Uzbek in all state organizations, enterprises, and educational institutions. the young generation growing up today is growing up feeling the attractiveness of the Uzbek language. There is no doubt that this will help the Uzbek language to pass on to future generations.
Language is the core of a nation's culture. preservation of the language determines the development and future of the nation. Language unites people, educates, preserves customs and traditions. therefore, in order to increase the prestige of our mother tongue at the international level, to add it to the ranks of languages   that have developed on the basis of national and universal concepts, each of us will have to approach our language with deep respect. "Knowledge of foreign languages   indicates a person's culture and intelligence. knowing one's mother tongue is a sacred duty for every citizen", wise men have said the right idea a thousand times.
It is the language that unites a group of people as a nation, that is, it makes a nation a nation, a nation a nation. On October 21, 1989, before our country gained independence, the law "On the State Language" was adopted, and the Uzbek language was given the status of the state language. Our mother tongue, which is one of the sacred values   of our nation, has gained its legal status and protection. The status of the state language is legally established in the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. In this way, the Uzbek language has become a symbol of the sacred state, which is protected by law, among the Flag, Coat of Arms, and Anthem of our independent state. The importance of the Uzbek language in strengthening the spiritual foundations of the independence of our country, educating our people, especially the young generation, in the spirit of love and loyalty to our national values   is increasing more and more. Even in trying times, our people live with gratitude for the blessings of independence, freedom, independent development of their language.
according to statistics, today the Uzbek language is studied in about 60 universities and more than 100 schools of the USA, Great Britain, Germany, Russia, China, India, Turkey and other countries.
Let's recall the fact given by the UN representatives about language: "Today there are 6 thousand languages   on our planet, 90% of them are on the verge of extinction. These are mainly the languages   of a small number of nations that are losing their culture due to civilization. Some of the people who speak these languages   have writing, while others do not. For example, 80 percent of the African language-speaking population still does not have its own writing. According to linguist scientists, after another 25 years, one out of ten languages   that are in use today will be preserved."
it can be said that the development of the Uzbek language depends on you and us today. As long as this nation exists, its language is eternal. Immortal literary heritage created in this language also ensures its longevity.
I congratulate all our compatriots on our national holiday - the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language!

Hudaynazar Yunusov
Doctor of biological sciences, professor
Honored herdsman in the Republic of Uzbekistan
Rector of SamSUVMLB