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Soyibov Azizbek Zokir o‘g‘li

Assistant at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology,

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

Research Areas

•        Veterinary Medicine

•        16.00.04 –Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology, Veterinary Sanitation, Ecology, Zoohygiene, Veterinary-Sanitary Examination

Personal Information

    Soyibov Azizbek was born on December 30, 1996 in the Khatirchi district of the Navoi region. In 2021 he graduated from the Samarkand Institute of Veterinary Medicine with a bachelor's degree, and in 2023 with a master's degree. Assistant at the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology since 2023. A.Z.Soyibov actively participates in the public life of the faculty and university. Over the past 3 years, the author of more than 20 scientific articles has actively participated in a number of domestic and foreign conferences.                 

   Currently working on a PhD thesis on the topic “The influence of chlorella suspension on the productivity and quality of turkey products.” Soyibov A.Z. conducts practical and laboratory classes in the Uzbek language based on high-quality, new pedagogical and information technologies, in addition to the existing workload of the university, mainly for students in several subjects.