Research Areas
• Etiopathogenesis of endemic lumpy skin disease in cattle and group prevention
Personal Information
Boboev Oybek graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute. 16.00.01 – Specializing in the diagnosis of animal diseases, therapy and surgery, he received a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) degree on the topic "Ethiopathogenesis and group prevention of endemic goiter in cows.". Based on scientific research, he published about 50 scientific articles, 2 teaching aids, 1 recommendation, 1 monograph. Currently, in connection with the reforms being carried out in the republic, as a professor of the department, he directly applies the scientific and theoretical knowledge acquired by students in practice, organizes classes based on innovative pedagogical and information and communication technologies, masters international standards and advanced foreign experience in assessing students' knowledge, gets acquainted with types of activities to ensure the quality of education at the university and studies the content regulatory framework and procedure for scientific and pedagogical activities.