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Haydarova Sevara Asatulla qizi

Assistant Professor of the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Obstetrics,

  • Batafsil ma'lumotlar

 Areas of research

• Veterinary

• Veterinary surgery

Personal information

     Based on the results of her research as a basic doctoral student, S.Khaidarova defended her dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in veterinary medicine in 2022 on the topic “etiopathogenesis, treatment and activation of healing processes of tubular bone fractures in dogs.”

     S.Khaidarova has co-authored 1 textbook, 1 monograph, 2 letters of recommendation, and more than 40 scientific articles.

    Today, he is responsible for scientific work at the Department of Veterinary Surgery and Obstetrics, is a participant in a practical project to develop an electronic system for diagnosing animal diseases based on artificial intelligence (using cattle as an example), the head of the 86th round practical project on the topic “Using mummies in the treatment of bone diseases in domestic animals“, and is also actively involved in participates in the social work carried out at the university.