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Eshmamatov Istam Nurmuxammadovich


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-       organization of ensuring the rule of law and legality in the law enforcement activities of a state body and organization;
-       control over compliance with the legislation of draft regulatory and legal and other documents developed (adopted) by the state body and organization;
-       participation in the norm-setting activities of the state body and organization, coordination of the work of its units in the preparation of proposals for improving legislation;
-       participation in improving the legal culture and legal literacy of employees of the state body and organization, bringing to them the essence and significance of the adopted regulatory legal acts, including using modern information and communication technologies;
-       conducting contractual-legal and claim-claim works, ensuring reliable protection of property and other interests of the state body and organization.
-       makes proposals for the elimination of offenses in the state body and organization, as well as the relevant units, the causes and conditions contributing to them, participates in the implementation of such measures;
- carries out an examination of draft orders, orders, contracts and other documents of a legal nature submitted to the management of a state body and organization for their compliance with the legislation and, in the absence of comments and suggestions, approves them. At the same time, the legal service approves projects after other structural units (employees) of the state body and organization;
- gives an opinion on the decisions of state bodies and organizations affecting the realization of the rights and freedoms of individuals and legal entities;
- independently or jointly with other subdivisions prepare proposals for the development, introduction of changes and additions, as well as the recognition of the invalidity of orders, orders, contracts and other documents of the legal nature of the state body and organization;
- studies, analyzes and summarizes the law enforcement practice of the state body and organization, as well as the relevant departments, prepares and submits proposals to the management for its improvement;
- Together with other subdivisions of a State body and organization, participates in the consideration of applications, proposals and complaints in which violations of the law in the activities of the State body and organization, the relevant units and their officials are indicated;
- participates in the development of proposals for improving the management system in the state body and organization, determining the rights and obligations of the units included in the system of the state body and organization, as well as their officials;
- participates in ensuring compliance with labor legislation in a state body and organization, including in the development of documents regulating labor relations (labor agreement, collective agreement, collective agreement, etc.), checks drafts of these documents for their compliance with the legislation and gives legal opinion on them;
- submits to the management of the state body and organization a report on the state of ensuring the rule of law and legality in the activities of the state body and organization;
- Provides legal assistance to trade unions and other representative bodies of employees of a state body and organization in the exercise of their powers;
- develops or participates in the development of current and future programs of norm-setting activities of the state body and the organization, implementation and control over their implementation;
- develops or participates in the development of draft regulatory legal acts on issues within the competence of the state body and organization;
- develops or participates in the development of departmental regulatory legal acts and sends them to the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan for legal expertise and state registration;
- independently or jointly with other departments conducts legal expertise of draft regulatory legal acts submitted for examination or approval, prepares legal opinions on their compliance with the legislation, the rules of legislative technology, the validity and expediency of applying reference norms, as well as the absence of corruption factors in them;
- in the absence of comments and suggestions, approves draft regulatory legal acts. At the same time, the legal service approves projects after other structural units (employees) of the state body and organization;
- systematically analyzes the current regulatory legal acts in the relevant field of activity of the state body and organization in order to identify corruption factors in their content;
- participates in the development of proposals for the improvement of public administration related to the sphere of activity of the state body and organization;
- takes measures to replenish the fund of regulatory legal acts of a state body and organization, including the acquisition of codes, laws, comments, statements and other legal publications, makes proposals to the leadership of the state body and organization on subscription to legal publications;
- prepares for publication collections of legislation on issues within the competence of the state body and organization;
- coordinates the activities of the legal services of the units included in the system of the state body and organization, ensures coordinated interaction;
- provides methodological assistance in the legal work of the units included in the system of the state body and organization, develops recommendations and instructions on the activities of the legal service;
- in the field of participation in improving the legal culture and legal literacy of employees of a state body and organization, bringing to them the essence and significance of the adopted regulatory legal acts, including using modern information and communication technologies:
- prepares analytical materials on legislative issues for the leadership of a state body and organization;
- makes proposals on the organization of measures to improve the legal knowledge of employees of the state body and organization, as well as the units included in its system, participates in the conduct of these events;
- Carries out work on the legal dissemination of legislation relating to the activities of a state body and organization;
- immediately submits to the press service of the state body and organization information about the adopted regulatory legal acts with an explanation of their essence and significance for subsequent posting on the website of the state body and organization;
- assists employees of the state body and the organization in their appeals in finding regulatory legal acts and legal documents relating to the activities of the state body and organization, if necessary, explains their norms;
- informs the subdivisions that are part of the system of a state body and organization, information on changes in legislation, judicial practice, instructions of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan relating to legal work;
- in the event of disputes with state bodies and organizations, as well as with citizens, independently or jointly with other units, takes measures to resolve them out of court;
- together with other departments participates in the work on the preparation and conclusion of contracts by the state body and organization, checks their compliance with the legislation and approves draft contracts, in the absence of comments and suggestions. At the same time, the legal service approves projects after other structural units (employees) of the state body and organization;
- monitors compliance with the established procedure for the conclusion, execution, modification and termination of contracts;
- makes proposals on the proper implementation of contracts concluded by the state body and organization, participates in the development of proposals for improving contractual relations;
- participates in the preparation of claims for the protection of the interests of a state body and organization, consideration of claims brought against a state body and organization, monitors compliance with the state body and the organization of the procedure for submitting and considering claims;
- together with the relevant departments, studies the state of receivables and payables of the state body and organization, applies measures to reduce their size;
- conducts claim work on disputes arising from contractual relations;
- participates in the preparation of documents necessary for the legal protection of property and other interests of a state body and organization and, in accordance with the established procedure, in court hearings;
- checks draft documents of a legal nature on the preservation of property for their compliance with the legislation and participates in their preparation;
- together with other structural units, analyzes the causes and conditions of theft of property, the occurrence of shortages and non-production expenses in the state body and organization and takes measures to eliminate them, draws up materials for sending to law enforcement agencies on the facts of theft of property and shortages;
- gives legal opinions on draft documents on the write-off of material values and funds, as well as on inventory acts and audits that reveal offenses and abuses.
The legal service of the state body and organization performs other functions in accordance with the law.