The aim of the conference is to develop the
scientific and practical potential of agriculture and biology to achieve
sustainable development goals.
The following areas of research will be discussed
at the conference:
-Study of the chemical composition of living
organisms, identification of patterns of structure, content and transformation
in the process of life of organisms of chemical compounds common to living
matter as a whole. Comparison of the composition and pathways of transformation
of substances in the body of various systematic groups, problems of
comparative, evolutionary and medical biochemistry;
-Problems of the structure, properties and
functioning of basic bimolecular, studying the molecular organization of the
structural components of cellular organelles, elucidating metabolic pathways
and their relationships;
-Theoretical and applied problems of the
connection of biochemical processes with the activity of organs and tissues
under normal conditions and in various pathologies to solve the problems of
preserving the health of animals, elucidating the causes of various diseases
and finding ways to effectively treat them;
-Study of the chemical and microbiological
safety of products of biological origin;
-Theoretical problems of the origin and
development of the plant world, its diversity, classification and nomenclature
of different groups of plants and plant communities;
-Biological diversity of fungi, their phylogeny
and ontogenesis, roles in biogeocenosis, methods for identifying harmful fungi
and protecting plants from them;
-Study of the structure of plant organisms,
their growth and development, the basics of their life activity, adaptation to
environmental conditions and coexistence;
-Theoretical and applied problems of using
plants for practical purposes (medicinal, food, technical, fodder, reclamation,
landscaping, etc.);
-Scientific basis for indication and monitoring
of the natural environment and vegetation cover;
-Development of new methods for selecting and
assessing the breeding and productive qualities of farm animals;
-Assessing the effectiveness of breeding work
and its individual aspects when modeling various options for breeding programs
at various levels of management (herd, region, breed, population);
-Theoretical foundations of agro landscape
farming systems and their practical development. Methods and systems for the
effective use of arable land, increasing soil fertility, protecting it from all
types of erosion and degradation;
-Dependence of treatment on the type and level
of fertility of agro meteorological conditions, biological characteristics of
crops in the system of crop rotation and crop rotation, ecological conditions
of the soil;
-Justification for various methods of sowing
crops and methods of post-sowing tillage, depending on zonal characteristics,
level of fertility and intensity of farming;
-Classification and biological characteristics
of weeds, methods of studying them;
-The role of the main factors and elements of
the intensive farming system (reclamation, crop rotation, crop rotation,
fertilizers, irrigation, processing systems and methods, herbicides, types of
crops, etc.) in changing the weediness of crops and soil;
-Methods of control over the quality of the
main types of field mechanized work in agriculture;
-Resource-saving technologies in agriculture,
theoretical foundations and practical techniques for the effective use of
ultra-early ripening varieties of cotton as a repeat crop, crop rotation.
Scientists, teachers and employees of
specialized organizations are invited to participate in the conference.
Key dates:
November 15, 2024 – Deadline for accepting
November 24, 2024 – End of review
November 27-28, 2024 – A conference
Main directions of the
- General plant growing;
- Plant breeding, seed production and biology;
- Agrochemistry, agro-soil science, plant
protection and quarantine;
- Gardening, vegetable growing, viticulture and
agricultural crops;
- Land reclamation and irrigated agriculture;
- Forage production and grassland farming;
- Biotechnology of food products, medicinal and
biologically active substances;
- Food systems;
- Atmospheric and climatic sciences;
- Conservation of biological diversity;
- Feeding of farm animals and feed technology;
- Breeding, selection, genetics and
biotechnology of animals;
- Fisheries, aquaculture and industrial
- Animal husbandry, feeding, feed preparation
technologies and production of livestock products.
Conference organizer - Samarkand State University of
Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnology,
Chairmen of the Program Committee
1.Safarov Lola - Candidate of Sciences, Associate
Professor, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and
Biotechnologies, Samarkand, Uzbekistan – Co-Chairman of the Program Committee, SCOPUS
2.Vatnikov Yury - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,
Professor, Russian Peoples'
3.Mamatov Narzullo - Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural
4.Muhatai Gemingguli - PhD, Professor,
Members of the Program Committee
1.Yunusov Khudaynazar - Doctor of Biological Sciences,
Professor, Rector of the
Platikanova - PhD,
Associate Professor, Medical Faculty, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Stara
Zagora, Bulgaria
2.Ali Rishvanli - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,
Professor, Kyrgyz-Turkish "Manas" University,
4.Radjabov Sobirjon - Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers,
5.Rakhimov Abdufattokh - Doctor of Geography, Professor,
Vice-Rector for Studies of
6.Abdurasulov Abdugani
- Doctor of
Agricultural Sciences, Professor,
7.Shematovich Ilga - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,
8.Romanova Julia – Doctor of Science, Professor,
9.Ibragimov Primkul - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,
Professor, Vice-Rector of the
10.Shamraeva Victoria - PhD in Physical and Mathematical
Sciences, Associate Professor, Financial University under the Government of the
11.Achilov Odiljon - Candidate of Veterinary Sciences,
Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Science and Innovations, Samarkand State
University of Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnologies, Samarkand,
12.Konyukhova Galina - Candidate of Sciences, Associate
Professor, MSTU Stankin,
13.Lopatkin Dmitry - Candidate of Sciences, Associate
Professor, Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology of Russia, Moscow,
14.Abdukarimov Diamat - Academician, Doctor of
Agricultural Sciences, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,
Livestock and Biotechnologies, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
15.Nogoybaev Mukambet
- Doctor of
Veterinary Sciences, Professor,
16.Elmurodov Abdugani - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences,
Professor, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs,
17.Alikhanov Kuantarh
18.Primova Xolida - Doctor of Technical Sciences,
19.Eshburiyev Baxtiyor
- Doctor of
Veterinary Sciences, Professor,
20.Kivchun Oleg - Candidate of Sciences, Associate
21.Julanov Mardan - Doctor of Veterinary Sciences,
22.Zakhidov Romen - Doctor of Technical Sciences,
Professor, Academician of the
23.Shernazarov Shavkat - Candidate of Biological Sciences,
Associate Professor, Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine,
Livestock and Biotechnologies, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
Rakhmatullo -
Candidate of Veterinary Sciences, Professor, Samarkand State University of
Veterinary Medicine, Livestock and Biotechnologies, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
25.Tokoev Kamil - PhD, Associate Professor,
26.Semenova Valentina - Ph.D., Associate Professor, Russian Peoples'
27.Safarov Ulmas - Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Samarkand,State University of Veterinary Medicine,
Livestock and Biotechnologies, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
28.Kuzerbaeva Aysulu - Ph.D.,
29.Bekmuratov Dilshod - Candidate of Technical Sciences,
Associate Professor, Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural
Mechanization Engineers,
Requirements for
The coverage of articles should correspond to all
traditional areas of biology, such as physiology, botany, zoology, genetics and
microbiology, as well as related fields such as biomedical, pharmacology,
agriculture and agri-food, interdisciplinary areas such as biochemistry,
biophysics, biodiversity, bioengineering and biotechnology.
Research Results
Authors must not fabricate, falsify or
misrepresent data or results. They should strive to be objective, unbiased and
truthful in all aspects of their work.
Authors must be honest in making claims for the
results and conclusions of their research. Making inflated claims for a project
interferes with the objective evaluation of its results and applications, and
can lead to an unfair and wasteful distribution of resources.
Authors should strive to avoid mistakes in
research and exercise due diligence in presenting high quality work for
publication. They should critically assess the likelihood of experimental,
methodological and human errors and avoid self-deception and bias. Where
possible they should conduct an internal review to assess the validity of their
work before publication.
▪ Language
Manuscripts should be written in English.
For authors not fluent in English, we recommend
having the manuscript carefully read by an English-speaking colleague or a
professional editing service before publication.
▪ Title
Manuscripts must be submitted with a full title
which appears at the top of the article. The title should reflect the contents
of the paper and be specific, descriptive, concise, and comprehensible to
readers outside the subject field (please avoid abbreviation and a title
written in capital letters).
▪ Authors and
The authors should specify in the article their
first and last names and relevant addresses (department, university /
organization, city, state/province and country). The list of co-authors should
remain unchanged after a final decision is made by the Editors.
▪ Abstract
The abstract should describe the main
objective(s) of the study. It should be informative and report the main results
and conclusions.
▪ Introduction
The introduction should provide background that
puts the manuscript into context and allows readers outside the field to
understand the purpose and significance of the study. It should define the
problem addressed and explain why it is important.
▪ Figures
Authors who reproduce a figure or a table from
another publication should clearly indicate the origin of the article and
should also obtain the permission for reproduction from the author(s) and
publisher concerned. Each figure and table should be cited in the text. Each
figure and table should have a caption. The number of figures is not limited.
However, it is important to make sure that all figures are necessary, not
redundant, and well designed.
▪ References
Authors should check the references to ensure
they are correct. References should be listed at the end of the manuscript.
Comments and notes are usually not allowed in the references; they should be
placed as footnotes.
Author roles and responsibilities
All named authors should be able to identify
which co-authors worked on specific parts of the work. In addition, authors
should have confidence in the integrity of the contributions of their
co-authors. Authorship should never be bought, sold, or otherwise traded. We
reserve the right to request evidence supporting authorship contribution, and
reserve the right to reject any work which is suspected to have been bought,
sold or otherwise traded.
It’s important all authors agree prior to
submission the authorship of their paper, the order in which author names are
presented, and ensure all those, and only those, who meet this criteria are
included as authors. Acquisition of funding, collection of data or general
supervision of the research group does not constitute authorship.
Other individuals who have contributed to the
study in a lesser capacity should be acknowledged, subject to their consent to
be named (we may not ask you to provide evidence of this, but please keep a
copy for your records), but not cited as authors. Please ensure you declare in
the acknowledgments if an individual or organisation has supported with any
portions of the work that have been outsourced (such as for translation work,
support with experiments etc). Please note, the acknowledgements should not be
used to misleadingly imply a contribution or endorsement by individuals who
have not, in fact, been involved with the work or given an endorsement.
We strongly encourage authors to make specific
attributions of contribution and responsibility in the acknowledgements of the
article. Authors may wish to use a taxonomy such as CRediT to describe the
contributions of each author.
We understand some research fields follow long
standing prescribed authorship practices for recognised ‘big science’
collaborations, which may differ from the above. Corresponding authors of
relevant articles will be asked to confirm upon submission if their paper
follows these established practices, and this will be assessed at the journal
level according to the accepted practices within that field of study.
Responsibility of the
corresponding author
It is the corresponding author’s responsibility
to ensure that all named authors have consented to submission to the journal,
approved the submitted version of the article, and all further revisions.
It is the corresponding author’s responsibility
to ensure the paper is not under consideration by any other journal at the time
of submission.
It is the corresponding author’s responsibility
to ensure the contact details for all co-authors are correctly entered into the
submission system, and are correct at the time of submission.
Referencing, citation
and novelty
▪ Referencing
Authors have a responsibility to fully
acknowledge the work of others (be it published or unpublished) that is used in
their research and to cite publications that have influenced the direction and
course of their study. Information obtained in private correspondence or
conversation should only be used with the explicit permission of the
individuals involved. Information obtained whilst providing confidential
services, such as refereeing research articles or grant applications, should
not be used without permission of the original author.
All sources for the article must be clearly
disclosed and permissions obtained from the original authors (and original
publishers if they hold the copyright) for any figures or significant extracts
that are to be reproduced or quoted. Collection of such permissions is the
responsibility of the authors.
References should be helpful to the reader and
advance the article, so authors should ensure they are relevant, recent and
easy to find.
▪ Citation
Authors should ensure that citations add value
and are not unfairly bias towards an individual, group or organisation. Only
sources drawn upon in the work should be referenced, and citations should
support the points which they reference.
The practice of including superfluous
references to the authors own work, or the works of others, merely to promote
and inflate citation scores is unethical.
▪ Plagiarism
Submitted articles must be the authors’ own
work, expressed in their own words. Plagiarism constitutes unethical scientific
behaviour and is never acceptable. Plagiarism ranges from the unreferenced use
of others’ ideas, to replication (without sufficient attribution or use of
quotation marks) of sections of text from other sources, to submission of a
complete paper under ‘new’ authorship.
▪ Duplicate
Duplicate publication is the production of
multiple papers with the same, or essentially the same, content by the same
authors and is viewed as unacceptable. Submitted research articles must be
novel and original.
In the case of articles that expand upon
previously published conference proceedings, or conference write-ups that
discuss work already published in an earlier paper, some limited exceptions to
this rule may apply. However, in these cases authors should consult with the journal
staff before submission. In all instances, articles must clearly cite their
sources and present some new contribution to the published literature otherwise
such articles will be rejected.
Multiple publications arising from a single
research project should be clearly identified as such and the primary
publication should be referenced. Translations and adaptations for different
audiences should be clearly identified as such, should acknowledge the original
source, and should respect relevant copyright conventions and permission
requirements. If in doubt, authors should seek permission from the original
publisher before republishing any work.
▪ Text recycling
Text recycling occurs when authors publish
sections of the same text in more than one of their own publications. Authors
should always be clear and cite any re-used text in the manuscript, respecting
relevant copyright conventions and permission requirements. Authors should
state in their cover letter if there are sections of the article that have
already been published elsewhere. We acknowledge there are some instances where
text recycling may be acceptable, and others where it is unacceptable. All text
recycling will be investigated and considered on an individual basis by our
▪ Parallel submission
It is also unethical to submit the same, or
essentially the same, article to a second primary research journal whilst it
remains under active consideration by another.
To aid us in detecting any submissions that do
not meet the above requirements, we regularly use plagiarism-detection software
to screen articles.
Licence terms and
By submitting the paper to the conference
organizer, you, as copyright owner and author/representative of all the
authors, grant a worldwide perpetual royalty free exclusive licence to
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By granting this licence, the author warrants
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fact has been notified to the conference organizer in writing), all named
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Peer Review
Reviewers should consider the following key
points related to scientific content, quality and presentation of the papers:
▪ Technical Criteria
- Scientific merit: notably scientific rigour,
accuracy and correctness
- Clarity of expression; communication of
ideas; readability and discussion of concepts
- Sufficient discussion of the context of the
work, and suitable referencing
▪ Quality Criteria
- Originality: Is the work relevant and novel?
- Motivation: Does the problem considered have
a sound motivation? All papers should clearly demonstrate the scientific
interest of the results
- Repetition: Have significant parts of the
manuscript already been published?
- Length: Is the content of the work of
sufficient scientific interest to justify its length?
▪ Presentation
- Title: Is it adequate and appropriate for the
content of the article?
- Abstract: Does it contain the essential
information of the article? Is it complete? Is it suitable for inclusion by
itself in an abstracting service?
- Diagrams, figures, tables and captions: Are
they essential and clear?
- Text and mathematics: Are they brief but
still clear? If you recommend shortening, please suggest what should be removed
- Conclusion: Does the paper contain a clear
conclusion. The conclusion should summarise what has been learned and why it is
interesting and useful?
When evaluating, editors and reviewers should
report the following:
→ Is the subject matter within the scope of the
→ Does the paper contain enough original
results to warrant publication?
→ Is the paper technically sound and free of
→ Is the work clearly and concisely presented?
Is it well organized?
→ Does the title clearly and sufficiently
reflect its contents?
→ Is the abstract informative? Are the main
results and conclusions mentioned?
→ Are the illustrations of adequate quality,
relevant and understandable?
→ Does the bibliography give a clear view of
the current state-of-the-art in the domain?
→ Is the quality of the language satisfactory?
Submission of papers:
- To participate in the conference, you need to
send an article prepared according to the requirements of the journal.
- The scientific works of the authors who spoke
at the conference, after reviewing and editing, are published in the journal.
Articles by authors who did not speak at the conference are not subject to publication.
The order of
publication of an article in a journal:
- Sending papers by mail to the executive
secretary of the organizing committee;
- Conducting expertise and double-blind
reviewing of materials.