In November of this year, it is planned to take a qualification exam for scientific researchers. Documents will be accepted until October 31, 2022 Contact phone: If you have any questions about the advertisement, you can contact this phone number +998-93-722-49-08 between 09:00 and 17:00.
1. Letter of referral.
2. Application. The application must be written by hand.
3. A copy of the subject published in the OAK Bulletin (if it is not published in the OAK Bulletin, an extract from the OTM or ITI board).
4. Certificate from Higher Education Institution or ITM (from the Scientific Department) stating that the candidate is a doctoral student (PhD) or an independent researcher and the stage of study.
5. Passport copy
6. Electronic information about the applicant of the qualification exam in Word format.
7. List of scientific works Figure 3.4. In verified and verified condition.
8. A copy of the certificate of passing the qualifying exam in the subject of a foreign language (if any)
The documents should be summarized in a collective folder (with the name of the Higher Education Institution, the position of the applicant, F.I.Sh., e-mail, phone number indicated on the cover) and submitted to the department of scientific research, innovation and scientific-pedagogical training of the university
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