Department of Uzbek, Russian Languages and Literature

Head of the department

Ullieva Sanobar Haydarovna

Reception days: Every day (15:00 -16:00)

Phone: +998905051183


The head of the department is senior lecturer Sanobar Khaidarovna Ullieva.  Higher education. Graduated from the Faculty of Russian Philology of Samarkand State University (Bachelor's degree, Master's degree). He is the winner of the international competitions "The best teacher of the year", "The best scientific article". Author of more than 30 articles, 4 manuals. 

                                                 Department: yesterday and today
The Department of Uzbek, Russian Languages and Literature is one of the exemplary and authoritative departments of the Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Animal Husbandry and Biotechnology.
Currently, the department is called: "Department of Uzbek, Russian Languages and Literature. It employs 15 people. Of them: associate professor - Khairullaev H.Z. and Khalova M. (part-time), 2 senior teachers - Ullieva S.X and Kholbaeva D.D., 9 teachers in Russian and 6 in Uzbek.           
Russian language teachers are active at the department: Ullieva S.H., Kholbaeva D.D., Gafurova S.T., Abdusalomova M.E., Umarova D.M., Haidarova I.A., Tosheva D.S., Vafaeva Z.G., Allaerova D.K. Uzbek language teachers: Khairullaev H., Khalova M. (part-time), Bozorova G., Shaimanova Yu., Karshibaeva Z., Eshniezova M.
, the head of the department is Ullieva S.H. – senior teacher of the Russian language, has been working at the department since 2013, is distinguished by organizational qualities, responsibility, exactingness to himself and the staff of the department.
Teachers of the department conduct practical classes with bachelor students on the theory and practice of Uzbek and Russian languages and on conducting the Uzbek language by industry.        
The Department of Uzbek, Russian Languages and Literature in all languages has "Sifat guruhi" - groups for quality control of classes. Responsible for the work of these groups are: Kholbaeva DD.(Russian), Z. Karshibayeva (Uzbek).
Conducting practical classes using technical means of training – computers, slide projectors and multimedia gave its results. Students' academic performance has reached 90 – 100%. The department has achieved notable results in the field of scientific and educational work.  Scientific work has risen to 70% over the past 2 years, 2 teaching aids have been prepared: "Collection of test tasks in the Russian language, ed. Kholbaeva D.D. (Collective work of teachers of the Department of Russian studies) and "Methodical manual on the Russian language for 1st-year students of the veterinary direction" Author: S.H. Ullieva.
The work of teachers of Uzbek and Russian languages in working with gifted students is enormous.
Teachers of the department cooperate with many republican universities. In recent years, relations with the Samarkand State Institute of Foreign Languages, Urgench State University and many other universities in Samarkand have improved.
The department pays special attention to teaching Uzbek, Russian languages and conducting spiritual and educational work among young people.
Teachers of the department conduct open classes, in accordance with the approved plan of the department and faculty, and the necessary documents are submitted to the Ziyonet network.
Work is underway to cooperate with the academic lyceum at the SAMGUVMZHB, with the technical school and colleges. The teachers of the department assist teachers of Uzbek and Russian languages of the lyceum with methodological advice and in the development of educational materials. They regularly (according to the department's schedule) give open practical classes for lyceum students, thereby assisting production.
Russian and Uzbek languages and Latin graphics classes for teachers and staff of the Institute are held in student dormitories on the initiative of the teachers of the department to provide students with a comprehensive and in-depth study of the "Uzbek and Russian languages", based on their requirements.
According to the plan of spiritual and educational work, each group of students together with group leaders visit historical and architectural monuments, shrines of our city, museums and attractions.
Since the day of the department's organization, teachers of the department have held a number of events on spiritual and educational work -scientific and practical conferences dedicated to anniversaries in the assembly hall of the Institute and in dormitories. These are conferences such as: the conference dedicated to the Teacher's Day "My dear Mentor", the conference "Language is a mirror of the nation" dedicated to granting the Uzbek language the status of the state language, conferences dedicated to the anniversaries of masterpieces of unique immortal works and Uzbek poetry that are deeply rooted in the hearts of our people. 
The work of the teachers of the department in working with gifted students is enormous.
In connection with the granting of the status of the state language to the Uzbek language, teachers of the department hold competitions in the following categories: "Best essay", "Best Poster", "Best Challenge", "Best Poetry Reader", events and poetry days are held – "Navoikhonlik and "Boburkhonlik" among students.

List of teachers of the department

Full name

of the discipline

staff unit

Ulliyeva Sanobar Haydarovna

Russian language


Haydarova Iroda Anarbayevna

Russian language


Allayarova DIlfuza Qilichevna

Russian language


Abdusalomova Mohchehra Ergashevna

Russian language


Tosheva Dilorom Salimovna

Russian language


Gafurova Savlat Tolibovna

Russian language


Xolbayeva Dilorom Dusiyarovna

Russian language


Vafayeva Zamira Giyasovna

Russian language


Umarova Dilfuza Mamatqulovna

Russian language


Qarshiboyeva Zuhra Abduvaxobovna

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Shaymanova Yulduz Toshniyazovna

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Eshniyazova Maysara Beknazarovna

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Bozorova Gulruh Ravub qizi

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Xayrullayev Xurshid Zayniyevich

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Xalova Maftuna Abdusalomovna

Uzbek language. The use of the Uzbek language in industries


Disciplines taught at the department
1. Uzbek language
2. The use of the Uzbek language in industries
3. Russian language